~7,000 kms group trip :) | GTAMotorcycle.com

~7,000 kms group trip :)


Well-known member
This spring and early summer is turning out to have a tad more rain than I recall of this time last year. However, I recently returned from leading a group ride down east and south and everyone had a great time even though a few spirits were dampened the 1st full day of rain. The newbies to this type of travel (longer than a weekend's overnight stay) did quickly adapt. It helped that the temperatures where always nice and warm so those with wet boots (I always buy waterproof boots) where never uncomfortable, or so they said. The rain days were spread out, 4 in total. 3 very heavy. I want to thank all that enjoyed the tour because everyone got along great and no one got hurt. Everyone made it home safely. One person took over 700 pictures. The sites and roads are so much better south of the boarder. It is nice when you get to places and no one is acting up, nor are strangers questioning what a person is doing or why they are acting so weird, as I had someone do once on a trip east last spring. One newer rider only dropped their bike 3 times! LOL. At 1 mph in a parking lot every time. It was not their 1st or 2nd year riding. Oh the short in the inseam people do have their troubles mastering slow speed maneuvers. Fortunately no damage was done to the bike due to soft saddlebags and frame sliders.

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