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  1. Roasted


    I'm going overseas for work for 3 weeks. Leaving in a couple of weeks. Is it worth throwing my place up on AirBnB to make some extra cash or not worth the risks? Anyone have any experience? Do I have to get a family member to drop in regularly, change sheets, etc.? What are the chances that...
  2. Roasted

    I have seen the light guys. I am now officially a feminist Bless these brave women for standing up for women's rights. Errrr, I mean bending over for women's rights. My (Jimmy) hat goes off to them.
  3. Roasted

    Kung Fury

    Anyone watch this yet? Apparently it's a crowd funded short that looks pretty hilarious and you can watch it for free. My boss just showed it to me and it looks pretty lulz:
  4. Roasted

    3 Year old Phone Contracts Expiring in a couple weeks

    So I saw this posted on facebook recently that basically some time in June the laws will change so if you're on a 3 year cell phone contract and it's past the 2 year mark the contract is essentially expired and you can walk away...
  5. Roasted

    I think I goofed at work slightly

    So last night I logged in to work remotely to send a couple of emails to people in the UK so they can see them Today morning when they get in. After I finished, I breathed a sign of relief, and proceeded to boot up some porn, typed in a type of porn I wanted to watch, I was very particular...
  6. Roasted

    Buying Selling on Kijiji woes

    God damn I hate selling stuff on Kijiji. Trying to sell my bike right now. Already agreed on a price with the guy which was $700 bellow my asking price and I even got suckered into doing a safety on the bike before he picks it up and now the dude is trying to negotiate the price more and some...
  7. Roasted

    UBC - University of Beautiful Cars

    I heard that this is what Vancouver is like with all the rich Chinese people sending their kids there ( I saw similar things in Sydney, Australia) but seeing actual photos of the phenomenon is hilarious: LOL @ Lamborghini's with "New Driver"...
  8. Roasted

    Quitting Smoking Thread

    I could have sworn there was a thread about this but can't find it. I'm into day 9 as of about an hour ago going cold turkey. It's actually not that bad now. I've only been smoking for about 2 years so quitting for me shouldn't be as hard as for some other people who smoked for 20-30 years...
  9. Roasted

    High Rises and Wind

    I'm sitting in an office on the 32nd floor right now in NYC (which is not even that high) and I seriously feel like I'm in an old, creaky fishing boat. I don't feel anything but the creaking sounds are loud as hell. Feels like I'm watching Master and Commander in surround sound. Do some of...
  10. Roasted

    What concerts will you be attending?

    Well, I thought I'd add a supplement thread to the "what are you currently listening to thread". I just bought tickets to AC/DC and will also be seeing Swans this Friday. What's everyone else seeing?
  11. Roasted

    92 Year old Driver - Video

    Apologies if this is a repost but LOL
  12. Roasted

    Dropped phone over railing at Sherway Foodcourt, Cool story bro time

    So on Saturday I go to Sherway mall to pick up some running shoes and I hit up the foodcourt to grab some lunch first. The food court looks something like this and is on the second level: I grab some food and take a seat at one of the tables on the edge near the railing. About 2 minutes in...
  13. Roasted

    Where Can I purchase these Riding Pants?

    Thank you, I would appreciate some guidance in my quest to purchase these magnificent leathers.
  14. Roasted

    Had someone act like an ******* to me cause of the car I drive

    So I went to a gas station today to clean my car (since it's actually above 0) and decided to check the tire pressure just in case. Some dude was using the pump so I'm waiting and notice I have a toonie and no loonies and the machine takes loonies only. So I attempt to ask the dude if he has...
  15. Roasted

    LOL @ Bieber CK ad photoshop

    I guess photoshop isn't just for women any more.
  16. Roasted

    What are you dressing up as for Halloween?

    Well, it seems like if I don't make this thread, no one will so what will it be this year? I'm still trying to decide myself. Seeing as I'm in the worst shape I've been in, in like 7-8 years going as a Greek God again is probably out of the question so probably gonna keep things simple this year.
  17. Roasted

    Anyone here into Vinyl?

    I know I'm pretty much jumping on the latest bandwagon but my teenage sister wanted a turntable for Christmas so me, being the tech/audio geek of the family got the job of shopping for it. To make a long story short months later I caved and got one for myself as well..... Yeah, I'm like 50 years...
  18. Roasted

    Sport Touring Suggestions

    So I'm toying around with the idea of switching to a more practical, touring friendly setup since riding around the city is getting boring and I'd like a bike that I can take to the beach for a day or camping comfortably, with some hard luggage on and maybe more comfort for a passenger but I...
  19. Roasted

    NEWS FROM SYDNEY, Australia: Nov. 21st, 2012: Live Video, warning GRAPHIC! Well, we're ****ed. :(
  20. Roasted

    GTAM Might not be a dating site, but this is... Enjoy people. :D

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