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  1. Wadadli

    US Gas stations - pay at the pump

    Thought I would share a little trick I used last year when travelling though the states. Many gas stations in the US require you to enter your ZIP code in order to use a credit card at the pump. Without entering one you are forced to go in and either pre-pay with cash or leave your credit card...
  2. Wadadli

    What size bike should I get?

    I’ve been on this forum for a few years and this seems to be a popular question and a topic of great debate and even ridicule. Here is my 2 cents for what is worth. We call riding a motorcycling on the street a “Sport” and perhaps it is but I think of it more as a “Passion”. The first time...
  3. Wadadli

    Do you have a Spring ride tradition?

    Perhaps its too early or I should get myself a winter hobby but I've been thinking about the feeling of that first ride of Spring. It occurred to me that my first ride has become sort of a tradition and I wondered if anyone else does the same thing? Every year I fire up the bike on a Saturday...
  4. Wadadli

    Tim Horton's bans motorcycle gatherings

    I have a friend who owns a Tim Horton's and this summer all Tim Horton's will be enforcing a 10 minute loitering bylaw in their parking lots. They say they have the support of the police and who will be issuing tickets. I guess I'll be installing a coffee cup holder on my bike to take my coffee...
  5. Wadadli

    Road suggestions

    I plan to ride from Nashville to Hartford CT this summer as part of a longer trip. I have never been and I do want to ride the "Tail of the Dragon" and the "Blue Ridge Parkway" but I'm not sure how long to budget for this section of the trip. I have set aside 4 days so I'm wondering if that is...
  6. Wadadli

    Steph Jones

    Who is Steph Jones? If I look up anyone I see that StephJones has also looked them up. Its like Steph is always one step ahead of me? Anyone else notice this?
  7. Wadadli

    2 week ride in the Rockies

    Just got back from a two week trip out West and thought I'd share some photos. Left Toronto for Denver, Yellowstone, Glacier National Park, Jasper, Banff, Calgary for the Stampede and home via North Dakota. 10,000km in total. See if you can tell which one was taken at the Stampede? What a wild...
  8. Wadadli

    Looking for advice on going to INDIANAPOLIS GP Sunday, August 19, 2012

    I'm thinking of going to the race this year and I was looking for some advise from others that have done it before. What is a good seating choice? Where is a good place to stay? Plus any other "must do" suggestions for such a trip. Thanks
  9. Wadadli

    great dog

    likely a repost but certainly worth a second look here much like they get on the street..
  10. Wadadli

    Autumn colors & bike

    Autumn colors & bike photos - let's see them After such a great weekend lets see everyone's bike and fall colors photos Here's mine
  11. Wadadli

    Toy ride Sunday morning Sept 11: Toronto

    Thought I'd pass on this link and info. I've never attended but seems well organized and it's for a great cause. Just bring an unwrapped gift for a child. Join us, Toronto Police, Fire and Ambulance workers, on our 33rd annual Motorcycle Toyride, to collect...
  12. Wadadli

    Roadtrip to Vegas

    I've got a couple of weeks vacation and I'm heading west. Here is the rough route. Love to here of suggested sites to be sure not to miss along this route? I will be taking camping gear and I'm meeting my brother in Billings. Also plan on spending a couple of nights in Vegas. Other than those...

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