Recent content by mudmojo |

Recent content by mudmojo

  1. M

    TO road rage video
  2. M

    Guy hates his clutch...

    ... and makes some very poor life decisions whilst killing said clutch.
  3. M

    Stupid or Brave? I'll go with stupid
  4. M

    Totally avoidable Looks like he's blaming the driver too
  5. M

    Kawi H2 dummies some supercars in a straight line The MP4 traps mid 130's ... not that impressive but not exactly a slouch either. Either way, it gets creamed. Maybe that Agera R will show up soon.
  6. M

    Face meets guardrail Lucky it was a slow speed affair and he rides off!
  7. M

    The People of Walmart The fun starts at 3:24
  8. M

    Watch out for birds!

    The RCMP found over 2000 dead crows on Alberta highways recently. There was concern that they may have died from Avian Flu. A Pathologist examined the remains of all the crows. To everyone's relief, it's confirmed the problem was NOT Avian Flu. The cause of death appeared to be from...
  9. M

    For the Rossi fans

    ... a 5 part mini series!
  10. M

    Always cover that rear brake... especially when dragging someone This is crazy !!
  11. M

    Parking Etiquette in the City

    What's worse than getting a parking ticket you deserved? Getting one you didn't deserve of course! Here's my story today. I parked with my back wheel up against a curb like everyone else does. As I park, there is a fire hydrant to my left about 15 ft away but I'm not worried because...
  12. M

    HUD helmet
  13. M

    Are Motorcycles Worth The Risk ? Brilliant! I had to watch it twice.. and now, time to ride.
  14. M

    Alien Motorcycle

    Top it off with one of these

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