It begins.. Ontario Govt to reduce std road limit to 40km/ph !!! | Page 2 |

It begins.. Ontario Govt to reduce std road limit to 40km/ph !!!

How about cracking down on stupid jaywalkers. They don't even look or care anymore. It's not like cars end up on sidewalks. Pedestrians are on the street when they shouldn't be.

When I read these things I get the urge to get an icon vest and wheelie on these tards street.

Nuff talk, do it!
I say let's go all the way and lower it to 30 by stating ppl will go 40.
Think we can get them to
Ironically the people crying and complaining about speeding cars etc and want the limit decreased are the same ****ers who speed on their way to the GO Train, the shop or to drop their kids off at school. I see this in my NIMBY neighbourhood.

I was doing a ride-along while I was in the hiring process for one of the GTA police services. Constable pulled over a guy doing 90+ in a 40 school zone. His justification was "I live in this neighbourhood, my kids go to this school".

****ing nuts people nowadays
It doesn't begin. Not at all. It is the long continuation of the liberal rule of Ontario. And totally in line with their previous actions and behaviour. Premier mom instead of premier dad is all. The party has a near a 12 year history of rule in ON where the more laws and restrictions the better it is for people. ON get's what it deserves.
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Perhaps the minister should drive himself in Ottawa or Toronto. And not from a few blocks away from Queens park either,let's say Salem road, twice every day. The minister likes to see road traffic be world class but his liberal cronies forgot to provide world class transit as an option. Visit Paris or New York, that's world class transit Sir.
P.S. you won the election,stop worrying about kids and safety and all that nonsense, just go buy more stuff to put us further in debt.
Seems to me the 'GTA and core' won the last election. Honestly they might consider reducing the speed of major arteries as well - it won't matter: motorists will be crawling anyway due to congestion. This will hopefully encourage the wealthy people of the GTA to get out, move themselves and their businesses to suburbia and in turn allow the core to disintegrate - maybe even allow the family trees to branch out a little - actually see what it is to work hard for a living. Similar to what's known as white flight in the US, where neighbourhoods become so undesirable that only the poor can't get out. Kind of like Brampton, but Downtown instead. Sadly for all those government employees, they won't be able to get out so easily due to infrastructure. Justice will be served.
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Residential speed in Quebec is 30kmh. I agree with the reduction to 40 on residential roads here.
But your looking at it all wrong. They NEED to protect the children. Otherwise who will pay for canceled gas plants, e health, and all their other boondoggle???? Lol

Perhaps the minister should drive himself in Ottawa or Toronto. And not from a few blocks away from Queens park either,let's say Salem road, twice every day. The minister likes to see road traffic be world class but his liberal cronies forgot to provide world class transit as an option. Visit Paris or New York, that's world class transit Sir.
P.S. you won the election,stop worrying about kids and safety and all that nonsense, just go buy more stuff to put us further in debt.
I was doing a ride-along while I was in the hiring process for one of the GTA police services. Constable pulled over a guy doing 90+ in a 40 school zone. His justification was "I live in this neighbourhood, my kids go to this school".

****ing nuts people nowadays

Those people really piss me off. If you sped past their house they are the first to call and complain but it's ok when they do It in someone else's neighborhood
I'd support 40km/h in residential/core, if it meant at least a 20km/h increase in rural and highways.
I'd support 40km/h in residential/core, if it meant at least a 20km/h increase in rural and highways.

LOL. You'd be crazy to expect that, lest trust any politician who would promise such. It's all the thin edge of the wedge in a big brother government approach (see earlier premier dad and mom notes).....
The only way to reduce the speed is to change the shape/design of the road. Installing speed bumps or other traffic calming devices will actually force drivers to slow down.

If the design speed is 70km/h, dropping it to 40km/h is not going to change driving habits.

In my area we have a similar problem where the design speed of a minor arterial road is 70-80km/h. But, because it's unsigned it defaults to the provinces 50km/h. This road has long straights, and Peel Police love to camp at the other end; they're usually there in the evenings from 3-5PM just as kids are coming back from school.

"Think of the children" propaganda is getting old; why not do some real parenting and tell your kids not to play in the streets or at least grow some situational awareness for traffic when crossing.

Interesting articles

City of Toronto & Vaughan have taken measures to slow down traffic in side-streets that run parallel or cut through major arterial roads: they use speed bumps.

Orr Ave:
Springhurst Ave:



edit: Don't let anybody fool you, speed limit signs are revenue generating devices. If they want to reduce speeds, they have to change the design limit not the sign.
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Best way to slow down traffic in a subdivision is round abouts. Seems people in Ontario have no idea what to do when they arrive at one. You can see people arrive at them stop at the yield sign, then they signal left, then right, then their head Explodes.

You can put in rules like you must drive through subdivision with 4 way flashers on, eating a jelly. Donut, while playing Chopin. The issue is enforcement, with 100000 rules on the book for driving and the only enforcement is during cracked downs or the occasionally ticket due to luck.
For the most part people obey the rule, there are the dickheads, but the majority never get caught, but granny does 5 over and pow ticket. What did it accomplish.
Best way to slow down traffic in a subdivision is round abouts. Seems people in Ontario have no idea what to do when they arrive at one. You can see people arrive at them stop at the yield sign, then they signal left, then right, then their head Explodes.

You can put in rules like you must drive through subdivision with 4 way flashers on, eating a jelly. Donut, while playing Chopin. The issue is enforcement, with 100000 rules on the book for driving and the only enforcement is during cracked downs or the occasionally ticket due to luck.
For the most part people obey the rule, there are the dickheads, but the majority never get caught, but granny does 5 over and pow ticket. What did it accomplish.

I love roundabouts. And would die for some chicanes. Lots of fun in Mexico at 2am.
Arbitrarily reducing speeds don't work. On my route to work in York Region, there are two major streets that used to be 70km/h, which are now 60km/h. Only about 5% of the local population drives within 10km/h over the posted limit. You are being blown by if you drive at 70km/h. Traffic flow is at a maintained 80km/h for most. I rarely see cops here anymore too...
Speed limit on Major Mac was reduced from 80 km/h to 70 km/h. 85th percentile speed (EB/WB) changed from 85/91 to 85/86. As others have said, this just provides more opportunity for fundraising.
It's true that studies show that the public will drive a certain speed on roads even if the speed limit is set low.

I'm thinking you are onto something GG. Remember, you (people in ON) gave the liberals, a party with a huge tax and spend history, to the point of adding $140 billion in debt over something like 10 years, a majority. Maybe it is about revenue generation. Bring on the speed traps even more. Though speed traps aren't about revenue generation, right?
I'm just curious does anybody know how many children die a year on side streets in Ontario?

From this file:

76% pedestrian deaths are urban. (duh)

20% pedestrians were distracted.

Highest rates are teenagers and seniors (duh, they don't have cars)

802 children injured, 8 dead in 2011.

67% of fatalities happen on roads with posted speeds above 50km/hr (so lowering this will have no effect).
Don't let anybody fool you, speed limit signs are revenue generating devices. If they want to reduce speeds, they have to change the design limit not the sign.

Calgary has the data, people drive slower there. The problem with traffic calming measures is that this is Canada, and clearing snow is difficult with those measures.

I'd like to see some technology, like coloured light on the dashboard telling you when you have exceeded the limit by 10km/hr, driven by GPS location and a speed limit database.

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