Santa batman motorcyclist |

Santa batman motorcyclist


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Chick hits/runs over pedestrian in france, then flee's the scene..thankfully santa batman was at the ready on his bike:

Nothing graphic just heart pumping

French police don't mess around, drop the bike and draw the gun.

I have to wonder if she was really a nut job and didn't care about the person she hit or her flight instinct kicked in out of fear and confusion. Either way, good job Santa...
Love the cop dismount at 3:17.
Thought about that....when it's critical, they aren't gonna worry about a sidestand.....considering they drew their weapons....they considered it critical.
Do not blame them...these van attacks of late...
Cop santa is very lucky. When someone is in fight or flight mode, getting in front the them as an unprotected bag of meat is a terrible idea.
Thought about that....when it's critical, they aren't gonna worry about a sidestand.....considering they drew their weapons....they considered it critical.
It looked to me like he swept for the sidestand and missed it. I haven't practiced dumping the bike on purpose, but my suspicion is it is probably better to use the stand. That gives you a stable platform to climb off (or shoot from). When the bike is falling you may get hurt and you sure as hell are off balance and useless.
Thought about that....when it's critical, they aren't gonna worry about a sidestand.....considering they drew their weapons....they considered it critical.
Methinks he was excited and accidentally dumped the bike. Watch closely at 3:17, he brings his foot to the stand, then down, then falls sideways into the truck. If the truck want's there he's have been under the bike. A planned dump would have him exit on the high side, exiting low side puts the bike on top of you.
US cop I know said they are taught to exit on the high side. RE-watched...he just got caught up in the action and dropped the bike.

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