People over 25 with 50cc scooters, share your rates please! |

People over 25 with 50cc scooters, share your rates please!


Well-known member
I'm looking at purchasing a 50cc scooter (Yamaha BWS-50 or Honda Ruckus 49cc) possibly as a first bike.

I wanted to get a gauge of how much I would expect to pay for in insurance. I got my M1 a few days ago and going for my M2 in a few weeks.

Stats: I just turned 25, male, perfect driving record, held a full G license for 5 years now (licensed over 8 years).

Thank you.
Thanks for the replies everyone. This gives me a much better idea of what to expect to pay. After doing a lot of research on the archives and stickied threads, I think it would be best for me to hold off on getting any bike right now and wait until next year until I get some experience under my belt. I didn't know that there would be so much information to absorb just to ensure I get the best rate possible. For now, I just gotta focus on passing my M1Exit in a few weeks.

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