Copy of the M Test (M2X) checklist! | Page 44 |

Copy of the M Test (M2X) checklist!

This essay might go better here:

Here's everything I can remember. Let me know if I've missed anything.

You go through three sections. Residential, Business, Highway.

Tire track
One lane, Left tire track. Two or more lanes, Left tire track of rightmost lane. This is the normal position.
Middle lane. Either tire track.
If you're turning left, passing, or told to move to the left lane. Right tire track.

Head movement
It's best to know why you're moving your head, rather than relying on lots of random head movement, which can make you dizzy.

Everything begins and ends with a mirror check.
You might want to tip your mirrors out a little, so that you have to your head, and not just your eyes.

You're looking for/at hazards, laneways, onramps etc.

Lane change
Mirror check, Signal, Blind spot check, Move, Cancel signal, Mirror check.
If you can't get in, you cancel your signal, adjust, and then start the sequence over.
If a new lane opens up and you get in before the dotted lines, then you don't need to signal.

Through Intersection: Mirror check, Look Left, Look Right, (Look Left <- this one is optional, but you need it everywhere else, so . . .) , Pass through intersection, Mirror Check.
Stop Intersection: Stop, Mirror check, Look around you, be aware of what's going on, As the opposing light turns amber or red, Mirror check, Left, Right, Left, Proceed through on green, Mirror check. Brake light must be on at all times, while stopped.

Left turn no stop: Mirror check, Signal, Left, Right, Left, Blindspot, Turn, Cancel Signal, Mirror check. Don't cross over the lines unless it's an obvious painting mistake.
Left turn stop: Mirror check, signal, stop behind the white line, A plum bob from the front of your tire should be behind the line, Mirror check, Left, Right, Left, Blindspot check, Turn, Cancel Signal, Mirror check.
If you pull forward and stop again, you need to repeat the L-R-L-Blindspot. You can't stop on the pedestrian crossing; you're either before it, or after it.
Left tire track to left tire track on one lane. Right tire track to right tire track on multi lanes, then lane change right.

Right turn no stop: Mirror check, Signal, Left, Right, Left, Blindspot, Turn, Cancel Signal, Mirror check. Don't apex.
Right turn stop: Mirror check, signal, Stay left most of the way to the line, then angle the bike to the right to prevent cars cutting inside you, stop behind the white line, Mirror check, Left, Right, Left, Blindspot check, Turn, Cancel Signal, Mirror check.
Left tire track to left tire track.

Residential Area
Speed limit will be lower, 40 here, might be 30 some places.
One lane, left tire track normally.

There will be blind corners, where you need to move to the outside, until you can see around the corner, and then move back.

There will be specific hazards (3?), usually designated by signs, children playing, paths coming out, a playground, school, field, or an old age home, firehall etc. You need to turn and look at those hazards. Since you don't know which three, you should look at all potential hazards.

Business Area
Speed limit will be higher, 60 here.
Multi lane. May have a Boulevard between oncoming lanes.

There will be a couple of specific hazards (3?) that you need to recognize and look towards.
Things like funeral parlours, graveyards, Tim Horton's, Strip Mall entrances, etc. may be those things. If there's a boulevard between, then lots of looks to the right, some left. Otherwise, look both ways.

At some point you'll be asked to make a lane change to the left, and back to the right, when it's safe to do so. Sometimes there might be someone passing you in your blindspot when you're asked. Mirror check. Signal. Blindspot. Move left tire track of right lane to right tire track of left lane. Cancel signal. Mirror check. Drive a second or two. Mirror check. Signal. Blindspot. Move back to left tire track of right lane. Cancel Signal. Mirror check.

There will be places where you make a left turn and then need to get over to the right, which you should be doing anyways, unless instructed otherwise.

Roadside Stop
Might be in a no parking zone, but shouldn't be in a no stopping zone. Don't rush it. Mirror check. Signal. Blindspot check. Pull over to the right, but not blocking any laneways or fire hydrants, and stop. Fourways on if you have them. Sidestand down. Neutral, or off. Off the bike. When told to proceed. Sidestand up (don't want to do Bat turns), Start bike if it needs it. Fourways off. Mirror check. Signal Left. Blindspot. Pull immediately out to left tire track. Cancel Signal. Mirror check.

On ramp that enters on the right. Mirror check. Signal. Blindspot check. Enter onramp. Cancel Signal. Mirror check. Either tire track. I stay left. Be smooth. Before the yellow line turns white, your signal should be on. Look left and pick an opening in the traffic. Accelerate to traffic speed. Mirror check. Blindspot check. Move into the opening right to the left tire track of the right lane. Cancel Signal. Mirror check. Check speed is near the speed limit. (Some examiners may be more strict about the speed limit than others, but I find it easier to accelerate to traffic speed, and then back off to the limit, once I'm in).

At some point you'll be asked to make a lane change to the left, and back to the right, when it's safe to do so.
Sometimes there might be someone passing you in your blindspot when you're asked. Mirror check. Signal. Blindspot. Move left tire track of right lane to right tire track of left lane. Cancel signal. Mirror check. Drive a second or two. Mirror check. Signal. Blindspot. Move back to left tire track of right lane. Cancel Signal. Mirror check.

Offramp that exits to the right. Line on the right side will turn double thick. At that point begin your mirror check, signal sequence, blindspot, pull into the offramp lane, as soon as the dotted lines start, a couple of gentle squeezes on the brake lever before you get to the bullnose, whether you're braking or not (rear brake might not be adjusted to show brake light, unless you push it pretty hard, front brake is usually better, but make sure you're not leaned over and slamming it on), cancel signal. Proceed in the direction instructed.

Don't worry too much about mistakes, but correct them on the next sequence. You're not being tested 100% of the time.
Tape the earphone in. Surgical tape works best.
Don't worry about the examiner vehicle, ride your own ride. They will try and keep up. If they can't, they'll tell you what to do on the radio.
Touching another vehicle, dropping the bike, or cutting in, so that someone behind has to brake hard, running red lights, etc. can fail you right away.
Don't cross solid white lines.
If there's nothing coming and you wait too long to turn right at a traffic light, you can be marked.
Brake light must be on at all times when stopped at a traffic light.
Try to get some riding in prior to the test, on the bike you are testing on. Any of the examiners that ride, can easily tell who hasn't ridden in 4 years & 9 months.
Shifting in an intersection, can be marked. If you really need to, do it smoothly, so they don't notice.

Thanks to much. My biggest issue is tire tracks as I am really most comfortable in the fight lane always Center or slightly to the left just off the Center. That’s what will kill me in it. Ahhh but it helps. Much appreciated

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Studied the Essay this week each day. I dont even have a street bike anymore and didnt have a chance to practice but I aced my test this morn. Thought it was time for a full M after having an M2 for over 20 years lol

Thanks for the tips.
Studied the Essay this week each day. I dont even have a street bike anymore and didnt have a chance to practice but I aced my test this morn. Thought it was time for a full M after having an M2 for over 20 years lol

Thanks for the tips.


M2 is good for 5 years; it expires after that. Do you mean that you got your M2, let it expire, went back, wrote the M1, did the M1X to get your M2 four times?

M2 is good for 5 years; it expires after that. Do you mean that you got your M2, let it expire, went back, wrote the M1, did the M1X to get your M2 four times?

Three actually, there was a bit of downtime between bikes lol, wheres my shame emojii
just read the essay,

thanks for the tips!
when going through an intersection and you're doing a blind spot check, which side am I checking?
e.g. if I'm doing a left turn at an intersection, I'm checking my right blindspot or my left blindspot? am I checking to see if someone is trying to squeeze between the left curb and me in the right tire track? or am I checking to see if someone is gonna make a left from the 2nd lane from the left??
left blind spot when turning left, right when turning right. You need to see what you could be turning into, not away from
left blind spot when turning left, right when turning right. You need to see what you could be turning into, not away from

what I'm turning into would be in front of me and to the right/left, so what am I looking at in my blindspot?
you're looking for anything that may be coming that you didn't see in your mirror or didn't notice. Another bike may have been riding in the other tire track and didn't see your signal, could be a cyclist, anything really.
You're looking to the inside of the turn to see if there is anything there, BEFORE you commit to the turn.

If you're turning left, you look left and behind you, if you're turning right, you look right and slightly behind you.

If you're doing proper scanning, you should rarely see something at this point, and it may give you a WTF - where did that come from - moment when it occurs.

On a right turn, its also known as a bicycle check.

Since you're turning outside track to outside track, people behind may see space and try for a pass.
I've had a truck go for a pass on the inside of a left turn when I was beginning to ride.
Thanks for all the info. Really appreciate it. After getting M2 with Learning Curves 2 years ago, I’ve booked M test with drivetest for June 4th. Hopefully with the help of this thread and some practice, I will nail it.
Thanks for all the info. Really appreciate it. After getting M2 with Learning Curves 2 years ago, I’ve booked M test with drive test for June 4th. Hopefully with the help of this thread and some practice, I will nail it.

I did a wheelie on my M1 test and passed. But that was over forty years ago in Oshawa.

I honestly think the FULL story is hilarious, but long, and many just find it boring and/or sexist. If you foolishly want it re-told, ask.
Do you guys think M road test routes are same with G road test routes?
In my case, at Downsview location it was the same route for the G test and M test.

Plenty of YT videos to get familiarized
Just passed M test. To answer my own question above it was slightly modified G test route for Kitchener. Called insurance right away no change 🙃 will see at renewal.

Kitchener M Road Test Route June 2024
why do people assume your policy amount will change for the better? lol!

"I can drink and ride my bike now, discount please."

Insurance agent has left the chat.

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