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Recent content by canadian_bacon

  1. canadian_bacon

    2008 Yamaha VStar 1300 - loaded - $5995 - low kms Retiring from riding.
  2. canadian_bacon

    $20 Shift leather jacket, almost new

    Shift leather jacket, barely worn, detachable liner, $20
  3. canadian_bacon

    FS 2010 Honda Interstate

    SOLD !! 2010 Honda Interstate, about 26.000km, new tires, leather bags, windshield, custom mirrors with integrated signals, leather covers for the engine guard, highway pegs, stock exhaust installed + extra like new Vance & Hines exhaust. I will throw in a motorcycle hitch as well. Asking...
  4. canadian_bacon

    Ride like pro.....

    Who said cruisers are only about comfort?
  5. canadian_bacon

    Rider down Walkers Ln & Harvester - under my eyes

    UPDATE: Got a txt from the rider, broken shoulder. He was talking about beers :) Saw a motorcycle accident right beside me, NOBODY stopped, I mean, NOBODY, as soon as the light turned green, they left, not even a 911 call. Amazing. Rider got rear-ended. Traffic was very slow, red light. The...
  6. canadian_bacon

    Rider down WB 403 & 6 North

    This morning about 7:15 AM, westbound 403 before highway 6 north, cops and towtruck on scene, no sign of the rider or other vehicle. Front end mangled up bad, bike dragged from second lane, you could see the scratch marks on the pavement. 650 or bigger, looked like violet with white. Hope the...
  7. canadian_bacon

    Any M109 riders?

    I am thinking about upgrading my bike to the M109, but I keep reading about problems with these bikes. Are there any M109 riders here? Are the 2nd gear problems fixed in the newer years(2008+), the rear drum, clutch cable, hard shifting, coolant leaks issues dealt with? The bike looks great, has...

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