What the weather seriously!! | Page 3 | GTAMotorcycle.com

What the weather seriously!!

On my bike, when it gets too hot the fan comes on and vents everything straight into your nuts. I've had legit 1st degree burns on my inner thighs from the tank getting so hot and I know people with the same bike who've had their fuel boil. I've also flirted with legitimate radiator boil-overs when stuck in heavy traffic on hot summer days.

High running temps are a known issue with my bike and some people put in pretty elaborate mods to tone it down.

But beyond just the hot bike, I sweat like anything as soon as the sun looks at me funny and hate anything over 27, 28 or so (and those are already bad). I've had heat stroke before just from sitting on the bike, in a 30+ day, in Toronto traffic for two hours.

EDIT: 1st, not 3rd. LIGHT burns (even though it's through jeans), not the inside of my legs being destroyed.

I couldn't ride in peak summer months in North Carolina. That sun and 105F is not fun, and it was an air cooled 600 Katana.

You can get heat reflective film from race suppliers for under tank, works wonders.
Those 2 x a week always seem to mess up weekends
Most of the weekends have had at least one sunny day. Even Simcoe weekend had a sunny day. Last Sunday was also good
Man, just about every day I've stepped outside this summer all I could think was "Holy crap it's sooooooo nice out". But then I mentioned I love fall & spring most of all.

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