Have you guys got your track bikes inspected by cops? | Page 2 | GTAMotorcycle.com

Have you guys got your track bikes inspected by cops?

"GoLo" was/is a racing team; that's probably their little signature.

As for cops checking track bikes, I have heard of it happening, they do cruise through the paddock now and again.

Bike thieves are scum ... don't support them. Don't buy questionable parts, don't buy questionable bikes.

If you ever plan to cross the border to do a track day in the USA, you will want all the paperwork in order.

If your job/living is dependent on not having a criminal record (mine is), it is not worth ANY risk of a "possession of stolen property" charge.
"GoLo" was/is a racing team; that's probably their little signature.

As for cops checking track bikes, I have heard of it happening, they do cruise through the paddock now and again.

Bike thieves are scum ... don't support them. Don't buy questionable parts, don't buy questionable bikes.

If you ever plan to cross the border to do a track day in the USA, you will want all the paperwork in order.

If your job/living is dependent on not having a criminal record (mine is), it is not worth ANY risk of a "possession of stolen property" charge.

No way possession of stolen property is a criminal charge.

Not like every stolen property is fully diclosed at the sale. You might buy stolen parts and not knowing it .... Ebay, craiglist ....etc.

As a buyer you can't never know.

Good info regarding the border crossing tho. I'm still un decided of what to do. Converting street bikes is the safest but costly
No way possession of stolen property is a criminal charge.

Oh, you bet your bottom dollar it is.


Not like every stolen property is fully diclosed at the sale. You might buy stolen parts and not knowing it .... Ebay, craiglist ....etc.

As a buyer you can't never know.

Good info regarding the border crossing tho. I'm still un decided of what to do. Converting street bikes is the safest but costly

Stolen property might not necessarily be disclosed, but there's this wording often found in the legal system: you "knew, or reasonably ought to have known ..."

If you are looking at a vehicle and there is a discrepancy in either the paperwork or the VIN on the vehicle, then you either "knew, or reasonably ought to have known", that there was something fishy going on. Your failure to do your due diligence given that you either "knew, or reasonably ought to have known", that the vehicle was stolen or there was some other sort of issue with the paperwork, becomes YOUR problem.

Buying a bike that is already converted to a track bike (but which has its paperwork in order!) is less expensive than converting a street bike. There are plenty of race bikes out there with legit VIN and paperwork. (Mine is.)
Oh, you bet your bottom dollar it is.


Stolen property might not necessarily be disclosed, but there's this wording often found in the legal system: you "knew, or reasonably ought to have known ..."

If you are looking at a vehicle and there is a discrepancy in either the paperwork or the VIN on the vehicle, then you either "knew, or reasonably ought to have known", that there was something fishy going on. Your failure to do your due diligence given that you either "knew, or reasonably ought to have known", that the vehicle was stolen or there was some other sort of issue with the paperwork, becomes YOUR problem.

Buying a bike that is already converted to a track bike (but which has its paperwork in order!) is less expensive than converting a street bike. There are plenty of race bikes out there with legit VIN and paperwork. (Mine is.)

Reading the proof of offense on your link. I doubt cops would charge me for simply getting a good deal.

Again we are both not lawyer. But i strongly believe if i ask the question " is the good stolen?" At the point of sale it would show my good intention of not buying stolen good.

The law is there to catch obvious thieves tho.
I remember cops at Shanny in late eighties early nineties checking stuff. Later I heard that they were there for one guy and did a "sweep" , not sure if that was to cover targeting without a warrant or just because they were there anyway? I dont remember anyone getting busted. BrianP you were likely there at that time.
It has apparently happened, at Calabogie.
Happened at TMP too. Cops blocked off the entrance and inspected all the track bikes. They left with two on tow trucks and said they "were acting on a tip and specifically looking for those two bikes" so that gave me the impression they weren't actually running everyone's vin numbers, just looking for those two. I have a pic of one of the bikes on the tow truck, super scary! They just like wrapped a strap around it and lifted it up, drove away with it dangling from the hook! I'll see if I can find it.
I have had the track bikes "reviewed" road side once when they were in an open trailer. No issues.

I have had more issues getting stopped in a ride program with a friend's snowmobile in the bed of my truck.
This is good info, my race bike has an ownership, I just haven't bothered putting it under my name. I should go do that ASAP.
Happened at TMP too. Cops blocked off the entrance and inspected all the track bikes. They left with two on tow trucks and said they "were acting on a tip and specifically looking for those two bikes" so that gave me the impression they weren't actually running everyone's vin numbers, just looking for those two. I have a pic of one of the bikes on the tow truck, super scary! They just like wrapped a strap around it and lifted it up, drove away with it dangling from the hook! I'll see if I can find it.
Also what happens if you get stuck and call for a tow truck and don't specify flatbed or call someone like MotoLimo. Seen it a few times.

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While we're on the topic, I looked at a GSX-R a while back that had a VIN# stamped on the neck of the frame and another few digits stamped on the side below the tank. I remember it started with G0L0 something something something... What is that and why is it there?

I stamped that... We had several frames+engines+riders+specs combinations, all in rotation. So the "GOLO..." stamp was to identify which unit it was for... and all of our frames originated from either salvage or straight from factory (no # on the neck), so they were all matched with "unplated" ownership OR bill of sale.
This is good info, my race bike has an ownership, I just haven't bothered putting it under my name. I should go do that ASAP.

If the bike hasn't been listed as "stolen", then this really shouldn't be necessary, don't you think? Keep the ownership along with your bill of sale as proof. Costs nothing.
If the bike hasn't been listed as "stolen", then this really shouldn't be necessary, don't you think? Keep the ownership along with your bill of sale as proof. Costs nothing.
That was my idea, I know the full story of the bike and the ex owner is a close friend and have bill of sale and ownership under his name so I haven't been to worried, however if I was going to bring it to the states, I would have made sure to change ownership. I think I am just going to do it anyways, bike is mine so it should be under my name.
I believe the law is that you must register the purchased vehicle into your name within 6 days of purchase. Just tell them it's a salvaged parts bike and you paid $100 for it. You don't need to show a bill of sale at the ministry.
I remember cops at Shanny in late eighties early nineties checking stuff. Later I heard that they were there for one guy and did a "sweep" , not sure if that was to cover targeting without a warrant or just because they were there anyway? I dont remember anyone getting busted. BrianP you were likely there at that time.
There was a guy from Scarborough everyone knew as "Nick The Bike Man" in the mid eighties that had a substance abuse problem and stole motorcycles to support his habit.Half the racers at Shannonville rode bikes that he had acquired.Thats probably who you are thinking of.He was actually a bit of a legend, his name still comes up when anyone that went to Shannonville in those days get together.Unfortunately Nick is no longer with us ,he died very young due to his addictions.He was actually a very funny likeable guy.Not condoning what he did but there were certainly a lot of guys that won races on his bikes.
In the later 80"s there was a racer who apparently had a brother in the RCMP,, so there was a pile of crap over bikes and it was all somewhat traced back to this individual. It was thought he was trying to reduce his competition.
Steve Gervais had issues with his RG 500 that was brought in by Castrol. They declared it for,,say $50,000, "A" magazine did an article on it and quoted it as a $500,000. bike. So the tax man came after him.
Was also pitted beside Alan Labrosse at Mosport, RCMP showed up ,cuffed him and dragged him off. His parents got him released later that day when all the paper work was legit.
So stuff does happen. Paper work is a good thing.

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