Have you guys got your track bikes inspected by cops? | GTAMotorcycle.com

Have you guys got your track bikes inspected by cops?


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Is it a myth that cops will inspect your track bikes for stolen parts?

I was told that cops randomly show up on track days to check for stolen bikes or parts.

Is it true?

I don't know if i should buy a street bike to convert or a track ready bike on kijiji. The track bikes don't come with ownership so it's questionable about its history.
End of the season, more bikes will come up for sale once the cold weather starts. Plenty of track bikes out there with an ownership, or at least some decent history.

I've never seen any cops show up to a track day.
It has apparently happened, at Calabogie. I have a suspicion that if the rumours are true (I think they are), they might involve a CSBK rider who rode a certain white bike with POLICE marked on the side of it...

Also, I took a look at a CSBK AM bike the other day that had the serial numbers filed off the frame. FWIW. Some riders appear not to be too choosy who they buy from.
It has apparently happened, at Calabogie. I have a suspicion that if the rumours are true (I think they are), they might involve a CSBK rider who rode a certain white bike with POLICE marked on the side of it...

Also, I took a look at a CSBK AM bike the other day that had the serial numbers filed off the frame. FWIW. Some riders appear not to be too choosy who they buy from.

Ok i will avoid vinless frame. Out of curiosity what happens if cops see a track bike with Vin-less frame? Can they say it's for certain a stolen bike?
I have a vinless frame bike (and a clean title bike) and know others that do.

I have never seen cops checking vins but have heard rumors. Not sure if I believe it
Well, if they wanted, I suspect they could act. In my case, I looked at the bike's general level of prep and said "that bike looks like they put the very minimum effort in for prep and the key looks like a blank, wonder if it's stolen." Confirmation of filed-off VIN moments later. I could name names but ... maybe, just maybe it was purchased as no title somehow... I dunno, but my 1000 was a Suzuki white-body and it has a VIN.
I got mine from a shady individual, he also parks on handicap spots at the mall
I have a vinless frame bike (and a clean title bike) and know others that do.

I have never seen cops checking vins but have heard rumors. Not sure if I believe it

Wait, if the frame does not have a VIN, how can you tell if the title is a right one? Lol

Are you sure thats the title of your bike?
I'm talking about two different bikes
I assume they're both track bikes? .... Hmm so you just want to show off here?
Most guys that race have at least a couple of bikes or access to more than one bike so I don't think he is trying to show off, just offering info to say that some people don't care that much.

I have never seen cops at the track, maybe calabogie because of those french people... jk. There are people with lots of money at calabogie, no TMP crowd that for sure.
Never seen it happen and it won't unless they were given good information that someone there has a stolen bike. In most cases they'd try to get it in transport instead of on private property. If they do show up and check VIN's they're not trying to harass you, they're trying to get stolen bikes back to the owners because they actually care (and that's what you want them to be like).
Worst I've had happen is a border guard asking to see the paperwork for the bike in the back of my truck.
Showed the ownership, all good.
I just hand them all the paperwork including the trailer ownership (if I'm towing one). Saves time.
While we're on the topic, I looked at a GSX-R a while back that had a VIN# stamped on the neck of the frame and another few digits stamped on the side below the tank. I remember it started with G0L0 something something something... What is that and why is it there?

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