time to take a ride to Pennsylvania again.... | GTAMotorcycle.com

time to take a ride to Pennsylvania again....


Well-known member
Thinking of heading out of the GTA on June 29
Be at border at 11:00 am
Ride to Coudersport and spend June 29, 30 July 1, 2 riding the area
Return to the GTA Sunday July 3

Nothing cast in stone - anyone interested?

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you got a thread below for someone looking for a route in PA - you know the roads - give him some heads up
Have fun
Seems he's already got lot's of links.

My message wasn't about links but about anyone's initerest. Very different issues methinks.

Did the black flies make the ride worth it?
a friend and I are making the same trip leaving thursday (30th) coming back on sunday

Home base will be Coudersport - will spend fri/sat touring the area. Any thing in specific you plan on seeing/doing?

Im still looking for ideas. route6 to scranton is the only thing on the definite to-do list
Coudersport is a great location with great roads south, east and west.
Not sure why route 6 to Scranton is a desire.(some call Scranton the armpit of the area) I avoid route 6 like the plague. Lumber and produce trucks and all the rest of east/west traffic uses route 6.

Study this site well if you have never seen it before. Roads are color coded and descriptions are helpful.

Great roads in area between 62 in the west and 15 in the east:
666, 555, 872, 120, 44, 144, 44 etc., etc.
Coudersport is a great location with great roads south, east and west.
Not sure why route 6 to Scranton is a desire.(some call Scranton the armpit of the area) I avoid route 6 like the plague. Lumber and produce trucks and all the rest of east/west traffic uses route 6..

Thanks for the tips. The reason we had picked route 6 is I read in a few places its one of the 'most scenic' roads in the area. and looks to be +-5hrs one way.. perfect for a one day return trip back to coudersport.. I guess we will reconsider.

I have found some nice loops around the coudersport area.. we will just start with them, and see where we end up.

Thanks again.. OP.. sorry for the thread jack.
6 is just "okay" - Renovo run is far far better -

Did the black flies make the ride worth it?

not a single bite tho many gave their lives on the windscreen.

I'ts one of those rides you do once. To see a caribou running along side me in the bush was worth the trip. It is a LONG ways up and has opened the North for me.
Want to do the Ottawa Valley and 533 now I know how quick to North Bay.
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We are heading down Wednesday and riding the Coudersport area Wednesday pm and evening.
Thursday finds us going to Wellsboro - but not along route 6. For 4 hours we go south on 872 to 120 and then north east on 144 then south east again on 44 and then north east again to Wellsboro. This route will follow rivers, and great paved roads - no traffic and NO CELL coverage. (important - one of my buddies is always at work and when we stop for pictures or bum rests, in the hills he can't be accessed by the office!!)

Friday is more of the same - Woo Hoo!
By the way - I always stay at "mom and pop" motels. They are cheap and my bike is just outside the door. I also meet other bikers and share lots of stories - bike is always secure, right outside my door. MOst have fridges and microwaves. Every town has a grocery store and BBQ chickens are $4.99 not 8 bucks like in Canada!! $4.99 for a feast and BEER is a great chaser at the end of an all day ride! Have yourselves a great ride!!

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you're supposed to be eating tofu ;)

What's that brown stuff in the center, on top of the the "squares?" Looks like CRAP!!

End of thread?
something to spice up the oh so delicious tofu squares - you probably can't have the spicy stuff either ;)

but the bugs tasted good - yummy protein.
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I wish I could join. My Uncle lived in Coudersport until he passed away in 2009. I drove those roads quite a few times, never been there on a bike. Now I have a bike and memories of my Uncle. Have fun guys!
Now that you have a bike, you have a reason to go visit the place and see it like no car can ever experience it. Don't dilly dally - just do it!

Unfortunately, all our riding this time will be further west. Next time we head down the 62, the we can split to the 262. I am sure we won't be in that area this ride.
I wish I could join. My Uncle lived in Coudersport until he passed away in 2009. I drove those roads quite a few times, never been there on a bike. Now I have a bike and memories of my Uncle. Have fun guys!

I will. Maybe I'll take my son to see the Grand Canyon. It can be done in a day.
Thursday and Friday were beautiful days to ride in Pennsylvania and almost anywhere else, I guess.
Note, riders who are heading south on 44: Bridge out, so 44 is closed at the junction of 44 and 664
You have to take 664 south. We went down past the signage as far as the river and it's a major job - won't be ready in just a few weeks.

Many roads that cross creeks, streams and little rivers have detours as all their bridges were washed out during this spring's rain (which continues)

Paul's Motel in Coudersport continues to be a good deal. If going to Wellsboro - Never stay in one of the cabins of the "Terrace Motel." It $75 and you'd be screwed if it were $35.00. Just filthy and could never be cleaned - needs to be destroyed.

Dirty Window Shades

Fix the wall!

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Ride Safe
Thursday and Friday were beautiful days to ride in Pennsylvania and almost anywhere else, I guess.
Note, riders who are heading south on 44: Bridge out, so 44 is closed at the junction of 44 and 664
You have to take 664 south. We went down past the signage as far as the river and it's a major job - won't be ready in just a few weeks.

Many roads that cross creeks, streams and little rivers have detours as all their bridges were washed out during this spring's rain (which continues)

Paul's Motel in Coudersport continues to be a good deal. If going to Wellsboro - Never stay in one of the cabins of the "Terrace Motel." It $75 and you'd be screwed if it were $35.00. Just filthy and could never be cleaned - needs to be destroyed.

Dirty Window Shades

Fix the wall!

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Ride Safe

Last time I was in Wellboro I stayed at the Canyon Motel for $75 a night and it exceeded my expectations. Mind you that price was last Oct. on a weekend. I also recommend The Wellsborohouse Restaurant. Great food, fair prices and very friendly service by husband and wife team who graciously wander around greeting their guests. Thanks for the heads up about Paul's Motel in Coudersport.



Btw, I also like to enjoy a couple of beers after a long days ride and it is a challenge for me finding a retail beer vendor when I'm in a strange town in PA. PA has some weird liquor laws. They won't let a gas station or grocery store sell you beer but they'll allow a fast food hamburger joint to sell you a six pack out of their cooler. It's fine if you're local but it takes some hunting for an out of towner. Oh well now I know what American tourists must feel like when they're trying to locate a beer in a town of 30,00 people often serviced by a single beer store here in Ontario.
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