RILL CALL - Calabogie this weekend |

RILL CALL - Calabogie this weekend


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Roll call ... We are headed for Calabogie this weekend. Anyone else???
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Can't. Got a gig this Sat. night so no 'bogie for me. Also the 600 is under the knife while I try and make it competitive in AM600.
johnscruiser and I are there for Sunday.

It will be my first run at 'bogie.

Outstanding. Keep an eye out for us and introduce yourselves. We are almost always at Pit Out

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Woot woot! Hopefully it turns out better than last time I was there! Just got all new bodywork installed too :( lol. Guess I'll just ride like a pussy.
2 minutes flat or you're not trying hard enough.
Woot woot! Hopefully it turns out better than last time I was there! Just got all new bodywork installed too :( lol. Guess I'll just ride like a pussy.

Follow Vickie for a session, she is very smooth and almost always on line. Should help you get back up to speed.
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Follow Vickie for a session, she is very smooth and almost always on line. Should help you get back up to speed.
Are they in green group though? I tried following a much faster guy and either I suck at following or that corner just hates me, even following someone I couldn't get it right. I see a curb and my brain says "ok, turn now". The guy I was following was like out by the grass for the first 80% of the corner! lol :(
Go in and touch the INSIDE curbing, brake in a straight line into the corner, then take either an apex on the curbing exit OR run wide and take the litre-bike line to get hard on the gas rather than high / tight corner speed. There are plenty of options in this corner, but that's the line I see the fastest guys using.
Go in and touch the INSIDE curbing, brake in a straight line into the corner, then take either an apex on the curbing exit OR run wide and take the litre-bike line to get hard on the gas rather than high / tight corner speed. There are plenty of options in this corner, but that's the line I see the fastest guys using.
In, out, out, in. Freaky. I go out, in, in, stop, turn left, out. Thanks, I'll give it a go!
What happend at Bogie today? I have heard the Helicopter was there, I'm assuming a big accident happend:-(
What happend at Bogie today? I have heard the Helicopter was there, I'm assuming a big accident happend:-(
Yep, total of 6 laps all morning in green group, so pretty much zero sessions, finishing with the helicopter having to come :(


We didn't get in any full sessions until after lunch. Had two SUPER scary moments in the afternoon, come over a crest (i'll figure out what corner/straight when I playback the video) at 170km/h and there's four bikes wide doing 50km/h, braked hard and picked a gap which evaporated, luckily the corner was coming up and when all four of them leaned in I had a few inches of room on the outside. Woulda been very messy, and I didn't even run off the track! I have it on video, should look juicy. Thank you brembo and braketech :love5:

Another one a rider tried to pass me on the inside of turn 3!? Either that or he forgot to get on the brakes, shot right through the corner in front of me, he also saved it! Then they gave ME trouble for passing HIM on the inside?! I was like "You mean when he shot right by in front of me and almost came to a stop near the edge of the track, that pass??" couldn't figure out what they were walking about.

And the last event was a rider crashing in front of me in temptation. I almost ran him over, he was in the middle of the track, his bike slid clear of the track.

Just too many close calls, I asked to move to Yellow but they said it was full, so I sat out the last two sessions, so needless to say not much running for me today :( Calabogie is just scary running a liter bike in green group, the closing speeds are insane.

Oh yeah, another one too! They taught us the "slingshot" move: If you're having trouble passing a rider then let them get ahead a bit, instead of them messing up your line/corner all the time and then you can't get the drive to get them on the straight. So let them get a bit ahead and you can run a good line, get on the power early, then pass them in the straight. I tried it and got my timing pretty wrong so came up on the rider in the middle of the corner (she was WAY later getting on the throttle then I thought she'd be) and didn't think I'd survive grabbing the brakes as hard as I would have needed to, and luckily she missed the apex cause that's where I had to go. Stuffed her bad on the inside, totally my mistake. Sucks running the OEM mufflers at calabogie, nobody knows when I'm close to them :(

Other than all of the above, great day. Mind blowing weather, hot, sunny, ZERO wind. Great for on the track, not so much in the pits. In my last session I had my Q3's slide twice (it's my 3rd track day on them), so I guess I'll replace them before the next track day.

Before Calabogie I stayed in a Bed and Breakfast about 10 minutes from the track, $120 for TWO rooms (one queen in one room and two singles in the other), super nice bathroom with soaker tub, crazy cold and almost silent air conditioning, common area hot tub, satellite HD TV, nice and fast WiFi, big dog friendly, and the owners cook you eggs (or other stuff) any way you like it in the morning! Eggs, bacon, home fries, tomatoes, cantaloupe, english muffin, etc. etc. etc. Awesome breakfast! Great way to start the track day.

I think to get good at Calabogie you need to run it more than once every two years and it really takes a lot of physical strength for those high speed corners. With my knee in deteriorating condition and my physical conditioning following suit I'm not sure I'll do Calabogie again. I'll try and do more RDT days and I guess TMP with Reddawn too (I would never run TMP otherwise).

I also got my bodywork installed. Either it's the worst China bodywork ever, or they sent me the wrong YEAR bodywork, absolutely NOTHING lines up at all. Here's a pic before the track day, sorry for the horrible quality, I didn't take it, and my friend hates HDR :(


Ready to terrorize the streets again! woot. Low beams don't work, but other than that she's tip top shape. Will probably just slap in some HID's and run them off the high beam circuit instead of ordering a new low beam harness.
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5am is a good time for a wheel swap.

Wake up! It's going to be a beautiful day up here!
Follow Vickie for a session, she is very smooth and almost always on line. Should help you get back up to speed.

Well, NOT SO MUCH!!! I crashed on Sunday in the last session, turn 20 going on to the straight!!! I'm OK, nothing broken and just a few repairs to my bike.

Was riding the track the Mon and Tues ... now I'm really slow and tentative. Damn, I have to start all over again LOL
Well, NOT SO MUCH!!! I crashed on Sunday in the last session, turn 20 going on to the straight!!! I'm OK, nothing broken and just a few repairs to my bike.

Was riding the track the Mon and Tues ... now I'm really slow and tentative. Damn, I have to start all over again LOL

I totally forgot to come say hello. Next time!

Glad you're okay.

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