Minimum Wage Increase | Page 6 |

Minimum Wage Increase

How dare those min wage bastards screw it up for the poor.
I'm not saying that, just bringing up unintended consequences. I dislike Universal income for lots of reasons but there may need to be some level of it implemented. Maybe something like supplementing people that are on low fixed incomes to index their income to minimum wage? At least then they stay the same poor instead of constantly being pushed backwards.
What’s the minimum wage set at now? Heard the news saying that the new wage will be an increase of 12 to 1300 bucks more a yr
What’s the minimum wage set at now? Heard the news saying that the new wage will be an increase of 12 to 1300 bucks more a yr
$14.35/hr. It was raised by $0.10/hr just a short time ago.
1/3 of the day you’re not spending money
Also less bad than the alternative. For many people, it is about the struggle to try to move up your percentile rank either through hard work, good decisions or blind luck. While that isn't everything that matters in life, unless you are an idiot (or have mental health issues), higher percentile rank very often makes your life easier and improves your happiness.
Government would put you into something... Wait list is long but you can circumvent with a mental health issue or something (probably?)
Housing wait list is long like decades long. Something like TPH could be it's own thread of disfunction. Part of their stock includes houses like five bedroom detached in high park for one family. F that. Gov't should help you out with a safe place to live. If you want five bedrooms, that's on your dime. Distributed social housing makes sense (eg. 5% of units in all new condo buildings) as the social housing development has been a failed model but selling the huge single family homes would free up a lot of capital (and remove a lot of expenses) to allow many smaller units to be brought online.
Housing wait list is long like decades long. Something like TPH could be it's own thread of disfunction. Part of their stock includes houses like five bedroom detached in high park for one family. F that. Gov't should help you out with a safe place to live. If you want five bedrooms, that's on your dime. Distributed social housing makes sense (eg. 5% of units in all new condo buildings) as the social housing development has been a failed model but selling the huge single family homes would free up a lot of capital (and remove a lot of expenses) to allow many smaller units to be brought online.
Ya but those families deserve that 5 bedroom home so they can live ‘normal’ lives.

I agree with you 100% though. Total ********. Decades long lineups. People gaming the system with affordable housing while making money. Didn’t Layton live in one while him and his wife made 200k+/year?
Didn’t Layton live in one while him and his wife made 200k+/year?
For a very long time. Champion of the people my ass.

Decent article. He was in a "market" rate unit in a co-op for five years and maintained they did nothing wrong but when he caught wind of the story he started paying 40% more rent to bring it in line with private market rent and shortly thereafter moved out. In my books, if I am not doing anything wrong, I don't need to drastically change what I am doing to pay market rates.

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According to stats Canada, and I'm just putting this here as info.
1971 - minimum wage - $1.65 @ hr for a 44 hr week = $3,630.00 @ year <> average house - $32,513.00 = 8.9 yrs wages.
2021 - minimum wage - $14.35 @ hr for a 40 hr week = $28,700.00 @ yr <> average house - $1,070,000.00 = 37.3 yrs wages.

Note: 1971 average house size 1500 sq ft
2021 average house size 2464 sq ft

Has minimum wage fallen that far, or have houses jumped too fast?

** average GTA wage 2021 = $134,000.00 **
The average GTA wage isnt anywhere near $134K. Only about 1 in 10 people in the GTA make that. Median household income is around $85K

Where are you getting those sqft numbers from? Houses might have gotten bigger but apartments and condos mean people have much less space that ever before.
What size lots did the average 1971 house rest on?
The average GTA wage isnt anywhere near $134K. Only about 1 in 10 people in the GTA make that. Median household income is around $85K

Where are you getting those sqft numbers from? Houses might have gotten bigger but apartments and condos mean people have much less space that ever before.
What size lots did the average 1971 house rest on?
Average may be 134. It gets distorted by quite a few people making orders of magnitude above median. Drake reportedly made 45M in 2020. He alone pulls up the average by $15. Obviously he is pretty high but there are lots higher and many many many in the 200 plus range.

I think his numbers are single family homes not dwellings. Lot sizes were bigger, dwellings were smaller. I think we should more accurately say land value has far outpaced income instead of house prices. That is probably the dominant factor but as land climbs, people convert starter houses into smaller "luxury" houses and starter houses disappear.
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Average may be 134. It gets distorted by quite a few people making orders of magnitude above median. Drake reportedly made 45M in 2020. He alone pulls up the average by $15. Obviously he is pretty high but there are lots higher and many many many in the 200 plus range.
It still isnt anywhere near $134K. How many minimum wage workers are there in the city for every person that makes $200K?

The website he got that value from is pretty laughable, looks like a 10 year old created it.

Average Salary in Toronto 【Updated 2021】 - CareerExplorer

Heres a good one they came up with:

Average Salary in Toronto 2021:​

Less than 3 yearsC$34,800
More than 3 yearsC$106,000
More than 6 yearsC$476,000
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It still isnt anywhere near $134K. How many minimum wage workers are there in the city for every person that makes $200K?

The website he got that value from is pretty laughable, looks like a 1o year old created it.

Average Salary in Toronto 【Updated 2021】 - CareerExplorer

Heres a good one they came up with:

Average Salary in Toronto 2021:​

Less than 3 yearsC$34,800
More than 3 yearsC$106,000
More than 6 yearsC$476,000
I concur that website is garbage. It appears to be written either by a computer and a random number generator or a very ESL person picking numbers out of a hat.

Here's a much better source. 2019 Toronto average household income 133K for owners, 66K for renters and 112K overall. Household instead of per person makes a big difference.

I concur that website is garbage. It appears to be written either by a computer and a random number generator or a very ESL person picking numbers out of a hat.

Here's a much better source. 2019 Toronto average household income 133K for owners, 66K for renters and 112K overall. Household instead of per person makes a big difference.

Yes, If I had to estimate I would say there are approx 2 incomes for every household, putting average income somewhere between $55-70K. Most renters are single income per household, confirming the 50% decline for renters vs owners.
Yes, If I had to estimate I would say there are approx 2 incomes for every household, putting average income somewhere between $55-70K. Most renters are single income per household, confirming the 50% decline for renters vs owners.
I don't know if most renters are single income or if they are double income making minimum wage or a little more.

It was interesting to see the difference that large in reliable data. A homeowning family is making roughly double the income and the house is "making" another income or two so homeowners net worth increases at 3-4 times the rate of a renter. That fits with what I have seen but I don't like it. Have lots and have nots is not a great way for a society to function.
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I don't know if most renters are single income or if they are double income making minimum wage or a little more.

It was interesting to see the difference that large in reliable data. A homeowning family is making roughly double the income and the house is "making" another income or two so homeowners net worth increases at 3-4 times the rate of a renter. That fits with what I have seen but I don't like it. Haves lots and have nots is not a great way for a society to function.
I would guess there was a huge jump in the number of dual income renters in the past several years. Its only going to get worse going forward.
Many of them can afford the mortgage but cant afford the down-payment.

The majority of homeowners in Toronto would never have been able to buy if they were starting out today.
Almost every single person I know who got into the market since 2015 had help from their parents.

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