Close call (Video) | Page 2 |

Close call (Video)

Not every situation is the same. Not every driver or rider is the same. I think he reacted properly, I would've probably done the same. A little blip on the throttle and you're ahead of the danger. If he had tried to brake, I think would would've ate asphalt. And car.
Solid advice. Chains ftw.
Kicking it just won't give you the results you expect.

For example.

LOL! I bet the driver of the car was thinking to himself... Sucks to be you *****!
油井緋色;2214277 said:
I would've flipped him the finger. I expect other drivers to drive the way I do; eyes on the effing mirror and looking for riders when you change lanes.


This is Toronto my good man. Mirrors are simply decoration. The important text or phone call is much more attention worthy than operating our 4000 lb car or truck. Look for cars or bikes when I change lanes? Don't be ridiculous. It's my road and you're on it.
even if the car looked in the mirror he wouldn't have seen him. they moved in unison. The bike should've backed off immediately and let the car go. Do none of you drive cars? Not everyone in a car is trying to kill you, sometimes people fall into blind spots and you as a biker should be aware of it.
That's not a blind spot, the car should have easily seen him in his side mirrors. You're not supposed to just glance at your side mirror and then blindly change lanes. You keep checking as you complete it, just like you would continue to look through an intersection as you make a left through a 4-way.

Car's don't stop merging even if you lay on the horn the whole time, that's happened to me several times you just have to squeeze through or jam on the brakes in those situations. Last time it was a tornado alert and 1" of water on the road so I wasn't going to lock up my brakes.

LOL @ that video btw.
Question about the dash cam. Was everything a lot closer to you than it seems? I have the exact same dash cam (G1W) but I'm disappointed at the wide angle. I can barely make out the license plate unless the cars are stopped right in front of me at a traffic light
Question about the dash cam. Was everything a lot closer to you than it seems? I have the exact same dash cam (G1W) but I'm disappointed at the wide angle. I can barely make out the license plate unless the cars are stopped right in front of me at a traffic light
Yes. Much closer. Hard to read plates unless right behind them. I pretty much have it for the possible "ragu" incidents and to have fun recording the Interesting things I see on the roads.

That's 1080p mode too.
Wrong! Both vehicles were in the outside lane. The bike came up faster than the Jetta, signalled, then moved into the next left lane to pass. The bike was fully in that lane and passing when the Jetta signalled and moved into to path of the bike. The bike had the right of way. Just because you signal, doesn't give you the right to change lanes if it is not clear. Just because someone signals, doesn't mean that you have to yield to him if you have the right of way. If you do and someone is following you, you could easily be rear-ended.

That being said, riders should learn to expect that kind of behavior and be ready. He could see that the Jetta was in a situation where it would want to pass, and may not expect the rider to be there. A little blast from a stebel air horn and some quick acceleration and everything is good. As mentioned it wasn't that close, and yes it does happen on a semi-regular basis. Just commuting in Toronto.

The bike signaled a split second before the car however it's unrealistic to expect the driver to to keep looking in the rear view mirror 100% of the time. If he did so and ran into the back of a bike we would be ripping his hide for looking back.

I was also under the impression that the overtaking vehicle had the onus to do so safely.

The OP posted a typical GTA scenario. It happens all the time. The video reminds the old riders and shows the new ones a typical pinch point to avoid. Kick mirrors, flip a finger. Yeah just what the world needs, more hating cagers.
OMG, if that's a close call, you should sit on the back of my bike on the way to work every day.
OMG, if that's a close call, you should sit on the back of my bike on the way to work every day.

yeah I know. I tried to change the title of the thread after I posted but I wasnt able to.. lol.. Thought I'd post the clip as it was an interesting situation.. (slow news week.. crappy weather on the way.. sick of threads on mileage, dropping bikes, forks of the credit etc)

I was also under the impression that the overtaking vehicle had the onus to do so safely.
^ this. The motorcyclist accelerated when the safest maneuver would have been to concede the lane space to the car. This is Toronto however, and courtesy is non-existant.
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not necessarily. if the biker (in OP) was already accelerating, braking might have put him into the side of the car. Sometimes getting out of Dodge is the safer alternative.
In that split second the motorcyclist took to decide to accelerate, (s)he could also have chosen to decelerate or mildly brake without endangering themselves or the vehicle behind. The latter decision takes an "attitude of courtesy" to execute. The motorcyclist put themself ultimately in a position that REQUIRED him to get out of Dodge.
Accelerating thru was the bad move. Could have easily rolled off, no sudden moves required. Biker accelerated past car after car blinker went on. Self preservation should dictate course of action.
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Was there a motion from the Rae government or maybe even before, to prevent discrimination against those who would never in a million years, get a driver's license, by issuing them a motorcycle license? Did the government blindly mail out thousands of motorcycle licenses to those not worthy?

It looks like both the car and the bike are on an off ramp attempting to pass, because others have made poor lane choices. Otherwise, the op is in the wrong lane, but in any case the white truck looks to be in the wrong lane; the yellow one looks trapped in the truck passing lane. Did the motorcyclist check his mirrors or do a shoulder check in case a faster bike was overtaking him? He seems to be relying on others to keep him alive. If kiwi has sped up, the other car slowed down or moved suddenly and sped up, the truck moved to the proper lane, or the car in front of kiwi panic braked, the outcome would have been tragic.

The motorcyclist boxed himself in by a series of bad decisions, and then made another to extricate himself.

I'd like to hear from Rob or Bike cop as to whether passing that close between vehicles, might be considered 172 worthy by some of the traffic enforcement?

If you look at the car he looks to be giving adequate clearance to kiwi, moving to a spot where the trucks can see him, signals, checks, and moves over. The bike flys up on the cars tail signals and moves. No mirror check, no shoulder check, nothing. I would say that both the bike and car signalled at the same time, and there was just more delay in the cars circuit. If they're both on the off ramp the biker has to know that the car will move over, and he's moving much to fast for the situation.

If the bike had simply moved to the passing lane behind the red minivan, he would have been safer, and further ahead. Who drives a bike on the superslab anyway?
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I would say that both the bike and car signalled at the same time, and there was just more delay in the cars circuit.

The biker was on a mission. He signalled first, claiming the lane, and stuck to his claim despite the car coming over. He's depending on the car to not do something stupider as a second act. Two wrongs don't make a right.

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