Can I get a show of hands please ? |

Can I get a show of hands please ?


Well-known member
Good day all from the new guy !

I was wondering how many of you out there had a bike before you had your license ?

The reason I ask , I have finally made the decision to get a motercycle , after long last !

I have signed up for the Durham college course which starts June 8th and I can't wait ! I have been having such a hard time waiting that I just couldn't hold off any longer and had to jump the gun a bit and get my first bike . The bike I chose was a Honda VFR 800 2001 .

Now , something tells me that I am not alone here .... So please do tell , who else out there got their first bike before they had a license ?
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Nice bike.
I think you forgot the other important question........ How many people bought a bike before getting an insurance quote only to find out that its almost as much as the bike cost for the first year.:rolleyes:
Nice bike.
I think you forgot the other important question........ How many people bought a bike before getting an insurance quote only to find out that its almost as much as the bike cost for the first year.:rolleyes:

Lol not me :p I was quoted 1100 for my first year :)
Good day all from the new guy !

I was wondering how many of you out there had a bike before you had your license ?

The reason I ask , I have finally made the decision to get a motercycle , after long last !

I have signed up for the Durham college course which starts June 8th and I can't wait ! I have been having such a hard time waiting that I just couldn't hold off any longer and had to jump the gun a bit and get my first bike . The bike I chose was a Honda VFR 800 2001 .

Now , something tells me that I am not alone here .... So please do tell , who else out there got their first bike before they had a license ?

me! i bought (paid for) a bike in january from smithville area. got my m1 in february. got my m2 after rti course in april. had the purchased bike delivered to me in late april and been riding ever since.

(yes, i did the research on insurance cost before purchasing the bike :) )

welcome, ... I love the Viffer.
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I also had my bike before I got my M1.. I didn't touch it because it scared me.. but I did own it.. =)
I also bought my bike before I had my license... Before I ever touched a bike or even sat on one... LMAO
My bike was delivered today :D !
now just waiting for June 8th , but hey half way there !
My first bike (GS500F) was sitting in the garage from November when I bought it until April when I got my M1. Those were the days, not to mention my parents' reaction when they finally found the bike in the back of their garage... (I lived in a condo at the time).
do we need a license?!?
do we need a license?!?

Funny you should ask , my cousin who is a cop told me that I should find some privet property and go for a spin , as on privet property I wouldn't need a license or insurance :D

So if any of you see a dude pushing a VFR up the street to the nearest school yard track for a boot , you know who it is :D
i bought a ninja 250r last year, the week after i got my m1
never sat on a bike let alone ride it before.

rode it home, scared the hell out of me lol..
ended up riding it around the neighbourhood and parking lot practicing stop and go, low speed turns etc. for a couple days before i even dared to take it out on the road when there was no traffic (1st light in the morning on saturday)...ahhh still remember that day =) couldnt stop smiling for a week!

3 weeks later was my m1-exit safety course lol
Purchased my bike in December, got my M1 in January, rode all throughout March before getting my M2 in April. There was no doubt in my mind I was going to love riding, and I rode the hell out of it as soon as I could.

Youre going to have a great time at the safety course.
I had my bike and had no lic but my bike was bought in the winter.

Pretty much same here -- I took advantage of the incentives on the 2011 CBR250Rs over the winter, and bought one end of January, got M1 February, Bike delivered in March, and finally M2 with RTI in April.

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