Can am spyder |

Can am spyder


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Well I have be drooling over the Spyder for 3 years now but i am not sure about it I plan on test rideing it this summer to really decide ,I have my Suzuki Savage 650 and love it but the spyder would be great for touring and 2uping the kids .So i am just not sure ,and it costs as much as a car way over priced .
I would like to know if anyone knows about how it runs and the maintenence on it .And I dont want to spend that much money on something that will cost me more over the years.
All advice welcome thankx
don't know much about them, but I understand that they have some bump steer at low speed. I may stand corrected
You are wise to do some research before you invest in a spyder. Spyder's seem to have more problems than regular bikes (maybe this is due to people that buy spyders don't do proper maintenance?). I don't know enough to recommend or discourage you, but I have heard enough to let you know to take care.
Thankyou I figured this may be like that ,Mike test rode it last year he didnt like how it handled but it was the new model and the sales man said the new ones had some glitches. I wouldnt get the new model anyways because of the placeing of the foot controls .
You are wise to do some research before you invest in a spyder. Spyder's seem to have more problems than regular bikes (maybe this is due to people that buy spyders don't do proper maintenance?). I don't know enough to recommend or discourage you, but I have heard enough to let you know to take care.
Saw quite a few in Quebec - just don't understand the appeal.....get a bike or get a convertible.
This seems off unless you want to drive it in the snow.
I test rode the Spyder and the only reason why I'd buy one is for touring. But even then I'd probably look for a touring bike before a spyder. I didnt really like the way that the tire rolled onto its sidewall when you cornered. It made it a bit unstable when turning.
Yes I agree Mike didn't love it the only reason i'd get it is for touring also ,I do have my bike now so i am not in a hurry for another but id like to know more about it :)
I test rode the Spyder and the only reason why I'd buy one is for touring. But even then I'd probably look for a touring bike before a spyder. I didnt really like the way that the tire rolled onto its sidewall when you cornered. It made it a bit unstable when turning.
I test rode one as well, you should too. I think it would be absolutely superb for touring, especially 2-up and carrying some gear. It took a minute or two to get used to cornering on it because it doesn't lean, so even low speed turning it feels like it wants to throw you off. You have to shift your weight and lean your body into turns, maybe even moreso than on a motorcycle.

The power was good, I rode it in the rain and the traction control didn't let the back end step out more than a foot or two no matter how hard I tried.
What makes them superb for touring? I heard the gas milage was pretty bad, though thats just what I heard, so someone please correct me if this is incorrect.

If you want to tour, there are better bikes then your savage, that will be great for packing it all in and still have room for either of your kid, 1 at time of course, unless you have a side car.

Curious what the appeal is, is it the stability? Just something different?

Each to there own, but I see all the disadvantages of both car and motorcycle in one package.
They are not appealing to ride with, if you're on a motorcycle.
They're like fast golf carts that don't lean and are not group ride friendly.
3 wheelers are not motorcycles.
Spyder is great for anyone who is coming from a car to biking. If you have owned any motorcycle before the Spyder, you will be disappointed.
It's not a motorcycle, or even close to a motorcycle, except for it's engine architecture.
I've considered this too...spyder touring thing due to the significant other wanting more comfort than a motorcycle. Then I figure why not consider say a used Mazda miata convertible then...??? Might be the answer for her...not me though. hmmmm..
Sportbike performance, convertible, head turning, and all automotive enthusiasts love this car, regardless if they are into old cars, drag racing, auto cross, road racing, etc........and if you are mechanically inclined, you could build one for a little more than a Spyder would cost.

Agreed...for the money..I'd rather have a cheap convertible. I spend most of my time in Ottawa and I see loads of these things, mostly toys for the well heeled. I can understand about the appeal of looking different, or if someone with disabilities wants a motorcycle-like experience, but it does nothing for me. I like the golf cart analogy btw.
Yes I see everyones point and no I don't want another car lol I want a touring bike and to be honest i'm to small for a big touring bike even goldwings to big for me.I have a few other things up my sleeves saw some really cool ideas for myself down the road so ya i think the spyder may be out ..although the look is sick . Thanks all ..any other talk about it is welcome ...The bike show gave me those ideas and now the wheels are spinning
Yes I see everyones point and no I don't want another car lol I want a touring bike and to be honest i'm to small for a big touring bike even goldwings to big for me.I have a few other things up my sleeves saw some really cool ideas for myself down the road so ya i think the spyder may be out ..although the look is sick . Thanks all ..any other talk about it is welcome ...The bike show gave me those ideas and now the wheels are spinning

The can am is not a great touring bike, the mileage is terrible on the bike from what I read, and thats a big draw back on any machine meant to tour. There are plenty of options to make a certain bike work for you. For the BMW 1200GS, there are low seats, people who lower the bike itself as its a tall bike, to make work for the vertically challenged. A Harley Ultra Classic is great tourer as well, and does not sit high and is like being on a lazy boy that makes a lot of noise.

How tall are you? I know some pretty small, height wise, people who ride goldwings with no issue.
How about these guys? I think for the money the independant gas shock suspension looks awesome...

They look really good, but there's just so much that has been sacrificed for looks. Two wheels in front is much more stable and although the giant bike tires look great, they would not live very long always running (almost) perfectly vertical.

I am with the other people that don't see the point of the spyder. It combines all the disadvantages of a bike (you lose in every collision, you must wear a helmet and protective gear) with all the disadvantages of a car (large footprint, not nearly as much fun) without providing many of the advantages of either the bike or car. You can get a miata for a similar amount of money that should be better in every way than the spyder (other than the look at me factor).

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