Bye Bye Tommy boy Ford kicked out!! | Page 124 |

Bye Bye Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

No, it's racism. It's only anti-semetism if they're muslims or jews of Italian descent. Italians are caucasian, generally speaking, but they come in a variety of colours.

Racism implicitly requires that race be involved. As to bigotry:

noun \ˈbi-gət\ : a person who strongly and unfairly dislikes other people, ideas, etc. : a bigoted person; especially : a person who hates or refuses to accept the members of a particular group (such as a racial or religious group)
So Ford is being accused of something he isn't? What's new?
I don't get along with everyone, does that make me a bigot?

Sent from my tablet using my paws
Have I ever told you I fail at English?

You fail English? That's unpossible!

So Ford is being accused of something he isn't? What's new?
I don't get along with everyone, does that make me a bigot?

You do realize that makes me want to paraphrase Jeff Foxworthy, right? If you don't get along with people simply because of their race, religion, national origin, hair colour, race, or culture, or sexual preference, then you might be a bigot. If you tend to think that all people of a particular race, religion, national origin, hair colour, race, or culture, or sexual preference all behave in the same way, then you might be a bigot. I believe that people are referring to the sort of names that Ford uses for different groups, when they accuse him of being a bigot. Barring evidence to the contrary, I would tend to agree. He comes off like a R rated Archie Bunker, when recorded in private.
So the article failed. He might be a bigot but not a racist
He's a moron with a bad case of the dumb. The guy needs to learn to not drink and get high. There's cameras everywhere these days....especially when you're a person of power and responsibility. He can't seem to wrap his empty skull around that concept
I didn't read the whole article, don't want to spend 15mins. I guessing he doesn't like Italians? Is that racism or anti-sementic?

No, my point is not that Rob hates italians.

My point is that you think having drinks with him would be something pleasant.

But in reality, he is the kind of guy who (once you are drinking) would be calling you a "f***ing XXXXX" just because your family came from Asia, or a "f***ing XXXXX" if you have dark skin, or a "f***ing XXXXX" etc. etc.

But as I said, if you don't mind people calling you a "f***ing XXXXX" because of your ancestry, then maybe you would enjoy your time with a drunk Rob Ford. That is, if he gives you the time of day...
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It would surely be undesirable in a common average Joe, but for an elected high official?

Fixed: It would surely be undesirable in a common average Joe, but for a high elected official?
Where's Waldo?

This from the Wpg Sun. Quote from article:

"U.S. (Customs and Border Protection) confirmed to us that Mayor Ford arrived in Chicago last Thursday and that after discussion with US CBP he withdrew his request to enter the USA and departed."
Where's Waldo?

This from the Wpg Sun. Quote from article:

"U.S. (Customs and Border Protection) confirmed to us that Mayor Ford arrived in Chicago last Thursday and that after discussion with US CBP he withdrew his request to enter the USA and departed."

So turned back at the border. I wonder where he's undergoing 'rehab'?
He can go to L.A. for late nite TV , but not Chicago for rehab? and them M'ricans make fun of how we respond to things.....
I bet he was getting his last bender on. Probably showed up wasted...

Pretty sure that's what I'd do.

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