bike tampered with on edward street..fuark |

bike tampered with on edward street..fuark


Well-known member
i came out of work (atrium on the bay) this evening, around 10:30 pm and saw my bike wasn't in the greatest shape. My front left turn signal was completely smashed up, my left mirror was snapped off (mickey mouse mirrors) and my front brake lever had no tension in it, as in i can pull it all the way in and front brakes do not engage.

i have a 2001 buell blast so it's not that big of a deal for me, at least it's not a super nice bike. i ain't even mad..just sorta disappoint. I don't even know if someone did it on purpose or if a car backed into it and it dropped.
not much i can do really..

That sucks dude. You aren't the only one. It's seems to have been happening for a long time. Mine was just a bent plate, but a buddy had his plate almost bent off and someone backed into his and push it a foot or so. I had to work to straighten a few parts. Another time, he also had the signal broken, but managed to piece it together. So some of it was on purpose for sure, some may be an accident by an inattentive cager. Who knows.
this happened between 5:45 and 6:15.. i rode by around 5:45 looking for parking and i was gonna park next to urs but i got a call and left.. then was there again at 6:15 and i saw your bike on the ground ( yellow buell )
it was laying on its left side.. my first assumption was an idiot backed into it but i looked up close and there was no marks at all from the bike being hit.. then this guy from the pub u were parked by tells me there was a fight going on and the staff at the bar saw it and in the process the bike got knocked out
the parking enforcement officer came by after and called the police.. i stuck around for a bit.. cop showed up and i helped him put the bike up.. he wrote a statement and took down ur plate info and what not and was on his way.. i forgot to ask what his name was but i believe he was from 51 division.. sorry that had to be ur bike! i would have been really upset and drilling every single person there till i found out who did it if that was my bike!
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That sucks dude. You aren't the only one. It's seems to have been happening for a long time. Mine was just a bent plate, but a buddy had his plate almost bent off and someone backed into his and push it a foot or so. I had to work to straighten a few parts. Another time, he also had the signal broken, but managed to piece it together. So some of it was on purpose for sure, some may be an accident by an inattentive cager. Who knows.
the ****** part of having a bike i guess?

this happened between 5:45 and 6:15.. i rode by around 5:45 looking for parking and i was gonna park next to urs but i got a call and left.. then was there again at 6:15 and i saw your bike on the ground ( yellow buell )
it was laying on its left side.. my first assumption was an idiot backed into it but i looked up close and there was no marks at all from the bike being hit.. then this guy from the pub u were parked by tells me there was a fight going on and the staff at the bar saw it and in the process the bike got knocked out
the parking enforcement officer came by after and called the police.. i stuck around for a bit.. cop showed up and i helped him put the bike up.. he wrote a statement and took down ur plate info and what not and was on his way.. i forgot to ask what his name was but i believe he was from 51 division.. sorry that had to be ur bike! i would have been really upset and drilling every single person there till i found out who did it if that was my bike!
Thanks a lot for the info. I guess that solves the mystery. Is there even anything I can do? Or anything worth doing? o_O
the ****** part of having a bike i guess?

Thanks a lot for the info. I guess that solves the mystery. Is there even anything I can do? Or anything worth doing? o_O

I think its worth takin a trip to 51 division and following up on the incident. If they have the names of the people who were involved, its a start. Especially since they took your plate down. Dont call; actually walk in. Those bastards will do anything to get out of doing work.
kudos to egypt_rider!

I can't see how things wouldn't go your way from this point...especially since they know who it was and that it wasn't your fault.
would it be advisable to make an insurance claim knowing a police report has already been filled out showing it's not the owner's fault?
So sorry to her about your bike...but how awesome that someone was able to tell you what happened! Even better the police have it in a report. YAY! Egyptrider :) Hopefully this helps get things resolved easier should you choose the insurance route. Good luck with it all either way!
I would call insurance, since its not his fault
I would call insurance, since its not his fault

Might be worth knowing if this is considered vandalism as it didn't involve any other vehicle and seeing if he's covered before advising him to report an accident and trying to make a claim.
I had the same happen to me at work, don't bother with the insurance or the report as it would go on your record as a claim and your insurance. The next time you renew or change providers, the rates would hike.
Fix it yourself and move on.
Do you have full coverage on your bike, and if you do, do the damages exceed what your deductible is? If the damages are even close to what you'd pay for deductible, just fix it yourself. You don't have another driver's insurance to go after, so it has to go through yours, unless you can find out who knocked it over, and they agree to pay. Not likely worth your time to take someone to small claims court.
I had a similar incident where I parked behind the engineering building at Ryerson University from around 12-5:30 pm on a Monday and when I got back to my bike I noticed a hole the size of the back of a hammer in my front fairing. No evidence as to who did it or anyone noticing it being done. Also noticed the driver seat's window of a van further down the street smashed into pieces.
It's really disappointing to see such damage done to your bike when it wasn't even your fault. Some people are just immature and can't keep their emotions under control...
Didn't Toronto's finest arrest 2 individuals with a hammer the other day downtown. May be worth pursuing.
I had a similar incident where I parked behind the engineering building at Ryerson University from around 12-5:30 pm on a Monday and when I got back to my bike I noticed a hole the size of the back of a hammer in my front fairing. No evidence as to who did it or anyone noticing it being done. Also noticed the driver seat's window of a van further down the street smashed into pieces.
It's really disappointing to see such damage done to your bike when it wasn't even your fault. Some people are just immature and can't keep their emotions under control...

That sucks.. I park my bike there frequently and now I'm gonna be all paranoid

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