Barber Museum in Alabama - amazing! |

Barber Museum in Alabama - amazing!


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There are more motorcycles here than I could count! We were at this museum for about 5 hours,
and we probably didn't see everything. If you're interested in the history of bikes, then you can't
miss this place. We were able to leave the hotel at 8am and do the Cherohala Skyway and the
Dragon twice, so it's not that far away from the crazy roads of TN/NC/VI.



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If you check their website you'd think this place has nothing. I have no idea why they don't post better pictures!
Gotta love the sound of the cars on the race track while you're looking around too!
The whole place is sensory overload.
I've been there..... Well, let's just say that I go to the museum several times, every time that I visit 'Bama. Must pray at the altar of the Britten.
Vintage Bike fest is every October for those that haven't been before... It's a pretty awesome weekend of everything to do with bikes.

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