Around 4 or 4:30 ish on Monday, just north of 401, before the train overpass. Could you riders tell that I was sitting with a bike that was having a wee problem? Unless this is normal behavior to have a bike parked in the bus lane with the rider sitting on the ground with all gear off,hands dangling between the knees?

My bike stalled and did not want to start again, I had been sitting in stop and go traffic ( mostly STOP ) since Middlefield and the temp gauge had climbed up there. Anyway, about 4 or 5 bikes went by not one gave me a thumbs up or down. Just stared at me.

Ok, I am not expecting a mechanic to show up, but I would havereally liked a hand to push the fat busa backwards up the hill to clear more of the bus lane. Because when the bus came along I pointed to my bike and made a thumbs down motion to let him know that the bike was non-operable and he STILL almost knocked it over, there was a thumbs width clearence between the bus and the bike.

Or even someone just stopping to ask if everything was OK, I was not expecting a mechanical miracle how about 2 seconds of morale support?Traffic was crawling, I was in a bus lane, risk to stop would have been minimal AT BEST.

So you guys that rode past me, don't worry, I stop for EVERYBODY, even Harleys, it's true!, and I will stop for you if you ever need two seconds of morale support.