Piggy backing off of RYDER4LIFE's Wednesday meet =)

Due to popular demand (you all know who you are..) I'll be showing up in my kilt. Anyone else in on this?

Details on place, time, deal below: (copied from Matt's post)
As many of you know there was a regular meet last year at the St. Louis' Ribs and Wings located at King St. W. and Bathurst. Good news - IT'S BACK!

Come on out for a great deal on Wings! If the weather is junky just bring your helmet!! (Helmet required for deal )

The Deal:

Buy a drink (alcoholic OR not!!) and get:

1pound of wings and fries for $6.95
2pounds of wings and fries for $12.95

The Address:

720 King St. West
(West of Bathurst)
Map: http://maps.google.ca/maps?oe=utf-8&...wIwAQ&z=16This will start at about 7pm and go until the restaurant closes! Come on out for Awesome Wings, Cool Beverages and HOT HOT HOT waitresses!!!! Also, the owner blocks off parking right in front of the restaurant JUST FOR US BIKERS!!

See you all there!!