Riding Down Under - Tropical Cairns Australia

@MacDoc I would really like to know why you don't use it. A private message would be great. Cheers.
Good sleep and woke up to cool weather and good news. Down to 106kg and now eligible for Aus citizenship. Even better given my age I don't need to pass the test and it only cost $80 not $500.
What better on a rainy than apply to become a new citizen. (y)
Still a few things to do on the bike as well while temps are down.
Nice to be chilly for once with the constant rain. Spent a productive couple hours making sure the maybe granny flat will work. We may end up with a larger footprint but there is just enough space for our needs. The bathroom and two store rooms adjacent are already existing.
The long wall behind the couch gets hammered by the sun in the late afternoon - that wall faces the pool.
Will be patio, chairs & table and small garden out the double doors - it's well shaded. Took me a while to remember how to use the app....it's fun.

Mid 20s to sleep - lots of rain but not heavy ...cyclone potential across the north.
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Gonna have to work at squeezing in riding. The Wet has arrived.
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Fingers crossed no cyclone with it. Prefer this to the heatwave that preceded it.

Rain is drifting south - might get out to fetch the new key this arvo. Still lovely temps in mid 20s
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No riding so playing with maybe future accommodation integrated to kids house. Pool is already there.
More 3d play. Considering a used M1 Air which would make these a lot faster to render tho it's not horrid anyway

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Not sure on the throttle lock
Out for a ride dodging showers
Otherwise happy with the bike
Home without getting drenched and a decent spin - forgot my kidney belt but not a big deal at the short distance. Scored a deal at Hungry Jacks.
Cheeseburger ( marginal ), 6 nuggets decent, fries and a latte for $6. barely finished and dog will get the fries. Choice of dips for the nuggets very limited ..no mustard :(
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Really should wait on doing Wordle until fully awake. Had four letters in two and used 3 on the third guess..... :unsure: :rolleyes: Still got it in 4 but duh. Rain gone but still 27 and muggy at 4 am. Damp and stinky from massive fire at our recycle dump.

Rain but not so much as just south of us.
Townsville Local Disaster Management Group issued an emergency alert for Cluden, Hermit Park, Idalia, Oonoonba, Railway Estate and Rosslea as dangerous flooding is expected within the next 24 hours.
"Flooding to second-storey floors is possible. Single-storey buildings could be fully flooded," it warned.
"It may become too dangerous for emergency services to rescue you."

A severe weather warning remains in place with the BoM forecasting conditions that could lead to "dangerous and life-threatening flash flooding" between Ingham and Giru, including Townsville.
Good weekend to watch strange movies. 🎥🎥
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Very little riding to come
Well after some tech problems ....things looking up. Scored a month old 13" MacBook Air 16 256 M2 for $600 below retail and also sold one of my Dell 27" for $150.
Since my 2015 iMac 27" and 2019 MacBook Pro both failed in the last month ( both will likely be fixed ).
Was feeling a bit vulnerable with only one working machine.
Working on getting the MacBook Air sorted. Finding stuff that worked fine on 7 year old OS and not now.
A needed exercise.

Watched Noraly get her bike completely sorted in Kuwait .....and no charge. :sneaky:

Woke up way too early with the newly functional personal plumbing and let the dog out. She's fast asleep on the daybed and I'm heading to bed soonish.

Resumed consciousness at 10 am and still no main internet tho the phone version is okay.
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Still no internet, phone okay after brief hiatus.....getting old this.
Not heavy rain but steady - bulk of it offshore heading to Townsville.
This is the main national highway up the east coast;

My internet is out in the house but hotspot on the phone okay
Light rain with the bulk of it passing to the east offshore targetting Townsville.
Pride of Australia...the main east coast highway ....sometimes Australia puts out an underdeveloped country vibe.
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Queensland floods live: Crocodile warnings as North Queensland gets months of rain in three days​

10h ago10 hours ago
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Floodwaters are rising for the third day across parts of north Queensland, with some pockets recording more than a metre of rain since Saturday.

An emergency alert was issued for the Cardwell area, before being reduced, while residents north of Ingham have spotted crocodiles in flooded streets.
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Liking my new MacBook Air.
Still on catchup and starting from scratch on adding sites.
Sound is better, more screen real estate, insane battery life...dead silent with no fan. Rounded corners and thicker than previous Airs. M2 is stupid fast. Better keyboard and standard function keys - plus return to magsafe connector for power OR can power from anyone of the USB-3 ports. Makes life easier for me.
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Forgot my glutide shot yesterday and lots of cravings for fried chicken.
Used to have a KFC deal for 9 tenders for $9.99 that would last me a couple of days,
Now it's 11.95 for 3 !!

Settled for
Poor mans fake chicken sammich..
not bad - pretty crunchy - nuked for 30 sec then fried in pan
16 gm protein per serve - $2 for tender and roll.
Short ride today - sun came out and of course instant sauna so kept it short but sun felt good. Bike started right away ...instant.
Still have a few tweaks to bars and handgrips but looking forward to longer spin.
Maybe tomorrow early
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8 am looking good for a ride up the coast tho showers starting at 10 am may cut it quite short.
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Lack of sleep caught up ...should have gone for ride but missed my window and it's 33 real - will welcome Tstorm.
Mysore Palace.
pretty damn impressive. (y)
semi-bachelor for two weeks ...partner house sitting kids house and pooch.
Still rainy season but have media tho in a bad sleep cycle ...staying up way to late and sleeping til noon which zeroes out riding opportunity. ce la vie.
Partner put together the Puzzle Up turtle for me.
Will look good in my room.

Tweaked the future nanny addition to the kids house. Still likely two years out but planning ahead.
Bigger bedrooms now and better and accessible storage at the cost of slightly smaller living area.
No stairway cutting down the middle - there are a couple of support pillars but they are not intrusive since we moved the bed position.
Of course it's wet....but nice mid/high 20s temps
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Ain't severe weather wunnerful
Queensland rainfall records smashed as another state prepares for possible cyclone

https://www.9news.com.au/national/queen ... cial-9News

Got the windscreen and handgrips sorted. Very humid working outside but no shirt helps. Vegging to Fleetwood Mac and Pink Floyd in the a/c.
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