OPCF44R "Family Protection Endorsement" - Is this needed on both my auto and motorcycle policies?


New member
Hello riders, wondering if any of you could answer an insurance question that has been puzzling me.

My motorcycle insurance broker was quite insistent that I should have OPCF44R on both my auto and motorcycle policies. However, wouldn't my auto policy cover me making this duplicate coverage?

Here is my understanding...OPCF44r is coverage that extends your insurance limits to cover the difference if you are involved in an accident with someone who is underinsured or uninsured. This site mentions that it can "Protect you from injuries occurring in a motor vehicle accident whether you are a driver, passenger, or even a cyclist/pedestrian"... wouldn't it follow that it would also apply while on my motorcycle?

Please let me know if I have misunderstood something or your thoughts on this.

Hopefully someone in the industry joins in but normally policies that cover you as the driver only apply to the insured vehicle (or a rental). If you are driving something else, they want you to pay there too.

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