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  1. Crashtest

    2013 Pike's Peak Hillclimb with all-Canadian Electric Superbike entry This is the bike that got Greg Tracy's attention and led to a new race classification for electric motorcycles only instead of being rolled into...
  2. Crashtest

    Canadian lid laws catch up

    In case you haven't heard the news... Rejoice, Canada finally entered the 21st century and we're no longer stuck with crap lids. I personally look forward to my ece 22.05-only Schuberth S2.
  3. Crashtest

    Quest for AGV lid

    Looking for someplace to buy a new AGV helmet, but having a hard time finding a shop that stocks and sells them. Anybody know any place? I've already tried Cycleworld on Sheppard, and GP Bikes doesn't list AGV on their site. --C
  4. Crashtest

    T.O. Reno truck guy - was that a "Go for it" or "don't do it"?

    So I'm on the eastbound gardiner on Wednesday after getting some new tires (yay Pro6), and I hit traffic. What do I do? Habit makes me lanesplit, but shortly a guy in a large pickup rolls down the window once we're moving again, and tells me he's a biker too, gives me a huge thumbs up, and...

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