Driver / cyclist incompetence? |

Driver / cyclist incompetence?

I went by too check it out. This is by far planning incompetence. There's no actual sign to show where cars and bicycles should go. There's a green lane, and at the end of it there's an arrow pointing right, and a bicycle to it's left. There's no indication that a car should be cutting in the bicycle lane, or that bicycles should cut in to the second traffic lane. Further down the road at so at Spadina the bicycle lane is just green and has the bicycle sign. Are cars supposed to cut in this lane or not?

BTW I'm glad we have muskoka chairs on King. WTF.

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On topic...If you know the rules of the road it's pretty simple and no signage is needed. The lines on the road that indicate where and when to travel along a path. The painted area is a shared area.

Where the white lines are solid, the bicycle lanes and vehicles are demarcated as separate and neither operator should cross the line. Where the white lines becomes broken or dotted, cyclists or vehicles may change lanes - either for the purpose of cars going right while hugging the curb, or cyclists going around these turning cars, by cycling on their left to continue straight.

I'm downtown often and feel that overall, the roads are very clearly marked out if you know the rules of the road and how lane and sign markings are intended to be used. But I guess the point is that if neither cars nor cyclists know the rules of the road, it doesn't work as intended.

I agree that driver and cyclist education is paramount here and perhaps overhead signage would help.
I'll ride a motorcycle all day and night in downtown. I don't think I'll ever ride a bicycle on downtown roads again though with so many clueless and/or distracted operators.

Here's the video that was referenced in that piece above:
While dotted lines indicate vehicles can cross them, the right of way is very unclear here. The cars are the ones changing the lane so they should give bikes the right of way.

The painted area does not necessarily mean shared area.

Green paint is used at intersections and driveways where vehicles interact with the cycling infrastructure. They serve to increase the visibility of the cycling infrastructure making drivers aware of cyclists.

Richmond falls under the first cycle tract So for all of Richmond bikes have the right of way, same green paint everywhere, but at Bay for some obscure reason it's not...

I agree that cars should be giving the cyclists the right of way.
Car drivers must get really frustrated when there are tons of cyclists and only one or two vehicles get the opportunity to complete the right turn.
I hate driving a car downtown, even though for years I drove an F450 dually in downtown traffic every day for work.

Also - how do cyclists not wear helmets downtown - it's crazy! I know quite a few people that have suffered brain damage from being hit by cars while having a helmet on - can't imagine without it.

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