Sit up bike for track days |

Sit up bike for track days


New member
I'm looking for a trackdays only bike for a friend.
Crotch rocket not wanted, to old for that riding style.
We're both ex dirttrack racers.
A good situp bike is what is needed.

Thanks in advance
My first thought would be vintage race bikes or something like the EX500. Lots of well-sorted track bikes of this sort for reasonable prices.

Or for something entirely different as you are happy sliding, buy a supermoto. On a tight track, you probably couldn't have more fun.
Back when Turn 2 was still around, they had a fleet of Ninja 650R for their instructors. They were fine on the track too.
Kawasaki ZRX

Suzuki GSX S750. You will be more up right then a full sport bike but will have the handling. Some will say Fz... they have the power but lack the handling. The GSX S750 has it all and priced lower
Street Triple.

/end thread

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