Motorcycles and woodworking |

Motorcycles and woodworking

Hey all, can't say I'm usually much of a thread poster, but I'm a big motorcycle enthusiast and have been on the forum for a bit. Long story short, my other hobby is woodworking and I've been selected as a finalist for Ryobi (tool company) Ambassador. If my fellow motorcyclists could spare literally like 5 seconds and like/comment on my picture on the Ryobi facebook page it would count as a vote and help me in being selected.

Thanks for your time,


Full link for anyone worried about the shortened link,
Sharing on twitter and fb.
Was looking at entering this contest but never got around to it. Wishing you the best of luck!

sent from my Purple LGG4 on the GTAM app
You're doing pretty good with votes!
Come on GTAM everybody with fb go like and comment! We can make this a lock for Leah!
(I'm gonna hashtag that ish)

sent from my Purple LGG4 on the GTAM app
A first time post on here to get votes?????

Used to be on the site in the past, guess it eventually deletes old posts. You can see from my membership details I joined in 2009. Truthfully just moved back to the area, (military family). So I haven't posted in awhile, apologies for it seeming like I'm a bit of a leech, I meant no offence.
Comment and like left! I love woodworking, and just trying to get better at it now. Good luck!
Daily craftsman on fb has some killer woodworking projects
Big congrats to Leah for being chosen as a brand ambassador!

sent from my Purple LGG4 on the GTAM app
Went to vote and saw you already won. Congrats!
Here's my tiny motorcycle hand carved wood block.

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