Bike problem, need some help |

Bike problem, need some help

I have a 83 Suzuki gs650 and for some reason the new battery I just put it won't turn the starter enough to start the bike, very slow turn . Once I hook up my booster pack she fires right up. Voltage is good I checked, terminals are clean, I just don't know. This really only happens when it's cold , once boosted and I go for a ride and turn the bike off and then turn back on it usually fires up. Any ideas and advice be helpful , thanks
Check all of your connections, might also have a bad cable.

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On old bikes with gremlins the first thing I always check is the main ground to the chassis. Where are you connecting the ground from the booster pack when you hook it up?
On old bikes with gremlins the first thing I always check is the main ground to the chassis. Where are you connecting the ground from the booster pack when you hook it up?

What he said. Had a 83 Yamaha the did that. Ground went to an aluminium bracket. Moved it to the engine block no more troubles.
Been connecting to the positive and a bolt that holds the plate on, also connected to both terminals on the battery, whatever was easier to connect to
I have a 83 Suzuki gs650 and for some reason the new battery I just put it won't turn the starter enough to start the bike, very slow turn . Once I hook up my booster pack she fires right up. Voltage is good I checked, terminals are clean, I just don't know. This really only happens when it's cold , once boosted and I go for a ride and turn the bike off and then turn back on it usually fires up. Any ideas and advice be helpful , thanks

What kind of battery ? If its an el-cheapo it may not be any good. Most shops and auto parts stores will load test it for free.
easy stuff first, check main ground is clean and tight. check the battery voltage, (it needs to be slightly over 12V) , take battery to any place (auto parts store) and have it load tested.
I have had a brand new battery that was no good, it happens.
easy stuff first, check main ground is clean and tight. check the battery voltage, (it needs to be slightly over 12V) , take battery to any place (auto parts store) and have it load tested.
I have had a brand new battery that was no good, it happens.

This. Slow cranking usually means the battery is no good. Seems especially likely since your booster pack can start the bike instantly.
Yes battery was fully charged before connected , previous battery don't know never ask the guy I bought it off, I'll be checking the ground to the frame when I get home from work and see

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