London Attack - | Page 7 |

London Attack -

When you look at how many people drown in 6 inches of water it makes realize border controls are absurd.
When you look at how many people drown in 6 inches of water it makes realize border controls are absurd.

yes, thats why the US military has spent a fackin trillion dollars in military might fighting for control of the oil er.. I mean.. control of I mean ..for the poor people in the middle east that they are there to help .. they don't want the terror deaths to go outa control like the 6" water drowning deaths are. lmao.
If the problem was just the Muslim religion that in itself would be a handful but possibly managable. Possibly. But the fact that the west has been meddling in the Muslim countries for decades is the fuse. Frankly I'm surprised there isn't more terrorism against the west. Imagine if the tables were turned.

yes, thats why the US military has spent a fackin trillion dollars in military might fighting for control of the oil er.. I mean.. control of I mean ..for the poor people in the middle east that they are there to help .. they don't want the terror deaths to go outa control like the 6" water drowning deaths are. lmao.

It's ok to consider all angles. Have a look at this video or at least skip to the last 5 minutes or so.
Wondering if there has been any attacks in China by extremists? They don't put up with dissent against the state. I think you can put up a cross and Christmas tree at home though. IIRC, until just recently you couldn't go to church(r something like that), but that's changed now.

I don't know. I keep thinking back to the fact that a woman in Kuwait, for example, must cover her head whether you are Muslim or not, but here you have a choice....for now.
You missed it in the news

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