Need a new helmet asap | Page 2 |

Need a new helmet asap

Forget about locking it to the bike, take it with you. People have been known to do all sorts of unsavoury things to the inside of unattended helmets.

First of all.. GROSS!! I never even thought about that.. second.. Yah I always take my helmet with me. I cant afford to buy a new helmet every time I take it off.. so it comes with me. I don't even think my bike has a way to lock helmets to it.. lol
Forget about locking it to the bike, take it with you. People have been known to do all sorts of unsavoury things to the inside of unattended helmets.
This! I actually saw this once. I carried my helmet into the store, my friend locked his to his bike. When we returned someone had peed in his helmet. Later found out it was his ex's new boyfriend. I rarely leave my gear unattended.

Sent from my Le Pan TC802A using Tapatalk
Dear God that's disgusting! What is wrong with people?

Sent from my custom Purple Joe Bass mobile on Tapatalk
Dear God that's disgusting! What is wrong with people?

Sent from my custom Purple Joe Bass mobile on Tapatalk
Lots! Lots wrong with some people.

Sent from my Le Pan TC802A using Tapatalk

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