Safety course - advanced techniques |

Safety course - advanced techniques


Well-known member
I have been looking around the interwebs (including youtube but i feel i need more of an instructor type course/assessment)

Is there a good street riding course touching on racing - I am looking for proper posture/ braking/acceleration, weight shifting, lean angle, bike potential assessment. Something that can make me a better street rider as well as introduction to closed course riding.

unfortunately i tend to over analyze everything and having a more of a science background everything gets downgraded to vectors, friction coefficient and other stuff which make me overly cautious or aggressive without knowing the proper way to assess the situation, my bike and skill.
Courses on street riding and track/racing are two different things but bike control is the same. Both will be good for you.
Humber used to have something called Prorider taught by Pedro.
Take FAST or Racer5 unless you're specifically looking for a street riding course. Personally, I'd rather spend the time focusing on bike control rather than learning to ride in traffic which you will automatically learn with experience. I took FAST Phase I a few years ago.
Racer5, FAST, or Total Control.

Priority in that order.

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