Dumb@ss ROC 2014 Crash... | GTAMotorcycle.com

Dumb@ss ROC 2014 Crash...


Well-known member
More squids trying to impress other squids... Sigh...
The intro is annoyingly long.. skip to about 30 seconds..

Wow. I was focused on the middle guy crashing into the guy in front that I didn't know the two other completely different accidents occurring at the same time on the left and right sides. Though it seems like the front left side accident might have occurred first. Still doesn't explain the chain reaction. I'll just chalk it up to stupid riding.
But bro.... we was mad stuntin yo! Reppin our crew yo!

Fuckin idiots. They wonder why the cops there have a thing for sport bikes and hate everything to do with this ride. Can't imagine really :rolleyes:
Holy ****... There are 2 other videos of what happened in front and behind this rider that crashed.... Unbelievable what wasn't seen from this video..

Rider seen falling in first video:
What happened in front of him:
You guys are such haters
I know, right? People not liking the fact that a select few put many peoples lives in danger on a highway. What an unreasonable thing not to like.
You guys are such haters

If they'd stop riding like a bunch of douchewaffles there'd be less "hate". **** heads like that are what gives riders and the sport a bad rep and ruin it for those of us who understand what time and place mean.
I know, right? People not liking the fact that a select few put many peoples lives in danger on a highway. What an unreasonable thing not to like.

If they'd stop riding like a bunch of douchewaffles there'd be less "hate". **** heads like that are what gives riders and the sport a bad rep and ruin it for those of us who understand what time and place mean.

I don't want to be anywhere near events like this.

Then don't go, stay at home and preach about wearing gear all the time instead :lmao:

They're 1200km+ away from you guys, you're safe lol
Then don't go, stay at home and preach about wearing gear all the time instead :lmao:

They're 1200km+ away from you guys, you're safe lol
And what happens when you just want to go on a nice group ride and no one explicitly states that they are doing a stunt ride and people take it upon themselves to do stupid ****? I've seen that happen. Should the people who just want to ride just sell our bikes? Do you only think of things in black and white?
Then don't go, stay at home and preach about wearing gear all the time instead :lmao:

They're 1200km+ away from you guys, you're safe lol

I actually have family there and have ridden there 3 times this summer. Wear what you like but riding like that attracts all the wrong attention. Period.
And what happens when you just want to go on a nice group ride and no one explicitly states that they are doing a stunt ride and people take it upon themselves to do stupid ****? I've seen that happen. Should the people who just want to ride just sell our bikes? Do you only think of things in black and white?

If you're not aware what the ROC is all about by now then there is nothing i can do for you.

A lot of riders on here probably should sell their bikes, all they do is ***** and whine :lmao: Or just make your own riding club, gtam knitting club riders, or timmies crew ;)
If you're not aware what the ROC is all about by now then there is nothing i can do for you.

As far as I can tell from the video there are, as I said, a select few riding irresponsibly. While the majority are riding quite well, Many of which have passengers. If you think people just go there to stunt then you are pretty mistaken. Let the stunters go to the back so when they wipe out they don't take responsible people with them.

Sometimes when I read your posts I lose a couple brain cells.
As far as I can tell from the video there are, as I said, a select few riding irresponsibly. While the majority are riding quite well, Many of which have passengers. If you think people just go there to stunt then you are pretty mistaken. Let the stunters go to the back so when they wipe out they don't take responsible people with them.

Sometimes when I read your posts I lose a couple brain cells.

You should probably see a doctor about that :lmao:

Also its pretty funny how you're calling me dumb, yet im answering your questions lol http://www.gtamotorcycle.com/vbforum/showthread.php?176528-A-Series-of-Questions
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Paul isn't dumb. He has an opinion. While it differs from some that doesn't make him stupid.

As for roc there's more idiots than not. Going there unaware of this would make one oblivious to media word of mouth etc. Not to a everyone involved is breaking a law or doing something dumb but I'd bet the vast majority are.
Those morons crash more often than seeing Cops!!! They've taken the head tap Cop signal and re-purposed it into a "LOOK OUT MY BRO JUST CRASHED RIGHT INFRONT OF ME YO!!!" sign
Benny Hill soundtrack required.

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