FE friday get together at SBR
wrote 25 jan 2008 à 15:21
Its comming together ,on the Friday of SBR all friends of FE are having a informal get together at Randy Higgins place on 124 .
Randy is also opening up his place for camping since Foley will not be doing it this year .
If you plan on camping it will be $10 a night or $20 donation for the weekend and if you could email Randy at
for a head count it would be appreciated .
Even if you are just up for the day stop in and share a story.
More to come but for now just wanted to let everyone know .
Cheers Toz

Just wanted to post in here to let people know of the plan.
informal get together to share a laugh and remember a great guy.
Cheers Toz

I did post this in the general section didnt see this one till after I had already posted it in the other one .
Gears Toz