In my experience, sometimes these workplace snickers can lead to bigger problems... mainly through political channels, especially in toxic work environments (where you have a few backstabbers around). What workplace isn't a little toxic?

I have shown up to work wearing motorcycle gear and it does attract attention, not all of it desirable. It's sort of like showing up to work wearing a tie and plaid sports jacket (when the norm is a t-shirt with jeans). As motorcyclists we have the natural capacity to ignore workplace BS, but if you want to do well at work, the reality is that you have to be somewhat sensitive to how others perceive you.

The way I dealt with it was to wear less conspicuous gear when commuting to work, saving my Power Rangers suit for every other type of riding. For instance, I got conventional-looking pants (like denim or khaki) with Kevlar reinforcement (and Bohn armor protection underneath). Pants cover the boots so nobody notices I'm wearing motorcycle boots. I can walk into work and nobody notices that I'm geared up. Only giveaway that I'm riding is the helmet and gloves that I'm carrying.

I change into regular clothes once in my office.