The Gap is approx 1200km from my home near London.
The plan is to leave early Friday morning and pack on 900??km ... Find a low budget hotel. Saturday an easy 300? km lands us at Deals Gap by early afternoon. Ride Gap, repeat, etc. Another fleabag motel made palatable with cheap beer and the knowledge nothing's broken. Rise, ride Gap, repeat and head north by about noon for another cheap hotel. Monday should be an easy 500-600km before sleeping in your own bed.

This is all super slab / droning to the Gap with an afternoon and morning actually spent there. Yes it's a trip worthy of more time but I'm not sure when I'll have that time.
I like to travel light, quick and cheap. Everything I need for this trip will fit in my tank bag with the exception of my sleeping bag, there just in case the title "fleabag" lives up to it's name.

Anyone one in?