I have been riding a couple of years now and I am absolutely obsessed with learning as much as I can and bettering myself as a rider. I am constantly reading anything I can and practicing however the only course I have taken was the Humber College Learn to Ride a Motorcycle (M1 to M2). This was a pretty standard/basic program, yet I REALLY enjoyed it and got a lot out of it back when first learning.

What courses are most highly praised in the GTA for someone in my position. I am extremely comfortable and I would say I definitely posses greater skill than the average rider with similar limited experience. I was looking at some of the other Humber courses such as the Pro-Rider Motorcycle Course and the alike. I also have read about track schools however my main concern is to take a course that will help me develop into an even more balanced rider and hopefully help keep me alive out there. A track school would be a blast however learning to navigate a sweeper curve at 150km/h I feel may not be the next best logical step in my progression.

What is everyone's feel or opinion for my next step for both myself and others in my position?