So a little background first.

Bike: 2005 zx6r 636
KM's: About 44xxxkm
Problem: Oil dripping

Last year (at around 41xxxkm) I got my valves adjusted by a reputable mechanic, not me (turns out only two needed to be adjusted). After this, I started noticing a small, annoying amount of oil always staining my fairings. It's not a big deal as I've been checking my oil level (every time before I ride) and it's always perfect, never really have to top it off since I change my oil every 2000.

Anyhow, I wanted to find out the source so I stripped the bike apart and degreased it all, scrubbed it all with a toothbrush and some kerosene (was careful on all the rubber areas and places that needed lube). After a soft rinse and a heated dry, I think I found the culprit (see pic). The area is normally covered by some thick rubber piece (mine is ripped). I moved the rubber piece aside to take a picture and it looks like their is a thick rubber seal that isn't doing its job properly. I saw a little oil-like bubble coming out of the area surrounded by a red circle in the picture. I could be wrong as it was dark and looking at the picture their seems to be some more staining above that area. On normal riding, the oil seeps along the frame slider and than eventually flies off from the wind and smears all over the bottom fairing.

I've never done any engine work before and hence have no experience with this sort of stuff. Is it as easy as re-torquing some bolt or should the seal be replaced? I'm quite sure its not a big problem, its just really annoying having to always clean it or when a drop falls on the headers and stinks up the place with that white smoke. Any help is appreciated.