
Just wanted to do my introduction... feel free not to read.

Currently male, 41 years old, married with kids, new to the forum. Motorcycling for a while now. I try to keep my skills sharp with varied riding experiences: trackdays, some dirt riding, texting while riding, etc.

Have lived in Texas but I am originally from Canada, and, if things go well in the next month or so, I could be back in Toronto before September! Wish me luck, after all, Toronto is the best city on this little planet, and nothing will drive this home better than living away for a decade. When I left Canada, Jean Chretien was Prime Minister...

I suppose I will miss the year-round riding here in Texas and the utter lack of traffic. On the bright side, I won't miss American TV (I gotta say, do I ever miss Knowlton Nash, please tell me he still anchors CBC's The National!), unbridled consumerism and being in a Conservative stronghold! Assuming you all split lanes by now I would imagine things being relatively tolerable commute-wise. Hmmm, I guess I'm in for a bit of a shock...
