Hello, I'm sort of having trouble deciding what would be the best solution to my problem. I've read these forums around a year ago and started off based on the advice. I've had my M2 for roughly a year and a half now and my insurance quotes are about $2000 for a 500cc. Anyways, would it be more of an advantage to take an M2exit course right now or wait until next year. I plan on buying a bike this fall and insurance in the spring of next year. Would it even be possible to take the course without a motorcycle? I know that the course is around $400 or so, versus the savings on insurance. So would it be worth doing now or just waiting (I will time to call Jevco in 2 days based on free time) I've taken the m2 course at humber and remember reading something that a motorcycle can be rented out for this purpose, but can't that right now. I'm 19 by the way, so it might be harder to rent from a company. Any help would be appreciated