We released the SMO schedule this week
Full press release here: http://www.supermotoontario.com/2012...o-ontario.html

Schedule page: http://www.supermotoontario.com/p/schedule_14.html

SMO Practice Days (Practice or Race Membership required)
June 2nd - Open Practice Location TBA
June 16th - Shannonville Motorsports Park - Nelson Circuit 5:30 to dusk $30
June 17th - Shannonville Motorsports Park - Nelson Circuit 10 to 12 (morning of race) $20
July 7th - Open Practice Location TBA
August 4th = Open Practice Location TBA
September 15th - Shannonville Motorsports Park - Nelson Circuit 5:30 to dusk $30
September 16th- Shannonville Motorsports Park - Nelson Circuit 10 to 12 (morning of race) $20

Practice locations to be announced soon - we are trying to secure multiple locations.

SMO Provincial Championship
(Race Membership required)
June 16/17 - Shannonville Motorsports Park - Nelson Circuit.
Practice Saturday night/ Sunday morning. Races Sunday
September 15/16 - Shannonville Motorsports Park - Nelson Circuit.
Practice Saturday night/ Sunday morning. Races Sunday

Races will also be part of the national series (Ontario/Quebec)