Hey, I'm helping a friend with a ticket. I requested disclosure and asked for:

•*Copy of both sides of the officer's ticket.
• Copy of the officer's notes on the day of the offence.
• The Make, Model of the equipment used to clock speed by the officer.
• Copies of the testing procedures that are outlined in the equipment’s manual.
• Test results (with dates and times) for the equipment prior to and after the offence listed above.

I just got disclosure and with it was a letter attached that said:

"The rate of speed with respect to the above referenced offence was measured by the officer's speedometer. Accordingly, no testing procedures, operating procedures, or test results will be provided."

All they gave me is the hand written officers notes, no copy of the officers ticket, no nothing else I asked for.

In the cop's notes it says "Test laser serial #xxx, Test Pass.", "Doing laser enforcement 401....", "Observe vehicle approaching at a high rate of speed", "Followed car for 2km, paced at 140km/h with certified 9 calibrated speedometer.", "Test Laser Serial #xxxx, test pass."

So which was it? Laser or Speedo? If he claimed the speedo is certified and calibrated, why would they not provide me with the calibration procedure and the test report? Do they not hold it to the same standards as a radar detector?

Also, I read online that cops no longer used hand written notes, so I shortened the "transcribed copies of the cops notes" to just copy of the cops notes, but we received his hand written copy and is pretty much illegible, should I request a transcribed copy now?

Requested disclosure on Jan 13th, 2012, received disclosure on Feb 6th, court date is March 8th.

Let me know please and thanks

-Jamie M.