Quote Originally Posted by caboose483 View Post
And how is it that you know that? You did not get charged with driving without insurance, you got a fine for failure to surrender proof of insurance. Providing proof of insurance to the court does nothing to change the fact that you were unable to provide proof (valid) insurance when you were pulled over.

I've received two tickets like that. Both times I was given a 48hr TTP and both tickets were thrown out. I have to wonder why the cop didn't give you that. Were you being a dick?
They dont give that 48 hour to prove option no more. I got the sane ticket and the insurance premium went up.

I can tell you that insurance companies take failure to show prrif and driving no insurance and failure to pay you insurance premium VERY serious. Its worse then traffic infractions

I got 2 warnings for not paying premium cause i was out if town and then my insurance was suspended and no one would insure me after