Thanks for the advice.

I'm marrying a wonderful woman who likes riding 2-up and wants to start riding, so it's not a prison sentence . But yes, I would like make this a special ride.

I'm actually from the West and lived in Calgary for 7 years, so I know mountains pretty well. But it would be nice to see mountains on that trip, and maybe find a bike and get in a day of mountain biking (my first love, before motorbikes.) That's a really cool idea, thanks for the suggestion.

Denver's not as far as I'd thought - only 2,300 kms. (Feels strange saying 'only'...). But yeah, I could see how it's a 2-1/2 to 3 day trip. It's only 100 kms farther than Moncton via Gaspé. As a bonus, I have carry-over holidays that must be used by April 30th - Colorado's farther south so I could dip into those...