I just wanted to mention a new web site to watch over the winter months, have a look at supermotoontario.com

This is a bunch of dedicated supermoto riders working together building a Club and to create a specific location to ride your SM bikes without travelling hours across the Province. It is in development at the moment but continually gets updated with new info, they have secured a location and are moving forward with the Club as an organization.
It looks like it will be run as a come and ride facility without race or huge fee's involved, street tards or full on SM race bikes welcome !! all for fun and a place to ride.

Note: I am not trying to move GTA riders to a new forum as there is none there, this is just a heads up to all the Supermoto riders out there looking for a place to ride. These guys are finally putting something together for us all to enjoy.

Check it out, looks good so far show some support so we can ride locally for fun !! and watch the site for new details as they come available.
