Meet at Esso station, northwest corner of Highway 10 and King Street, Caledon 9:30 to 10:00 am. Look for a black H-D Heritage, rider in black with black get the picture, lol.
Leave at 10:00 sharp. Be gassed up and ready to go.
King east to Airport, north on Airport to Creemore.
Stop in Creemore for coffee/smoke/bite to eat.
Cruise along in a vaguely homeward direction on backroads.

All are welcome including new riders but this will be a leisurely cruise, following all posted speed limits. If you're looking for a more "spirited" ride, this isn't for you.

Weather Network says it won't rain, which means pack your rain gear if you have any.

I probably won't be checking this thread again before leaving, so if you're there, you're there. If not, hope you're enjoying a nice ride somewhere!