Looking to see if theres any other 50 riders around the gta that would be interested in setting up a weekly weekend meet to stunt 50's. People of all experiance welcome. No comptetiveness, egos, etc. Just a bunch of people having a good time screwing around and having fun on our 50's. Probably would be leaning towards sunday's since most people have other obligations on saturday. I have a pretty big flat lot that we could ride at, never had a single problem in the last 8 months, but we'll see when we get a bunch of riders together. Also have a big canopy tent and cooler to keep the drinks cool on those hot summer days.

If your interested, pm me or we'll start a tally here. Looking to start meeting up next sunday (april 17, 2011) unless i get a lot of interest today. Either way, im gonna be at the lot tommorow
