A lot of good suggestions here. I agree with staying away from any large US City if you can. Or at the very least only go there on weekends.

I'm not a camper but what I have found is that budget motels (by this I mean Super 8, Days Inn, HJ's) are often quite acceptable in smaller towns,
but if you get into a big city (bad choice in St. Louis!) they turn into crapholes.

Also noted are the small town speed traps - hit a town in NY that was down to 20mph with 3 leos hanging about, 2 with flies in their spiderwebs. Ouch.

I like revrandy's comment on snow at 8000' disappearing early April. I've got snow in my driveway right now! What are we at here? 823'!!

I plan to head to Cali in 2013 (if the world hasn't ended) so I will look forward to your review.