I was driving south on Vic Park approaching Eglinton at about 4:15-4:20pm when I saw a bike sitting upside down in the intersection. No rider was around. Cop cruisers were sheltering it and forcing traffic to go around the accident scene. Saw a small white car too, with the passenger side, door and window, smashed in. Didn't see what happened, but its pretty clear the bike struck the car because the car turned left (south) into the on coming bike, that was traveling straight (west) on Eglinton. THere would be no other scenario the bike would hit the passenger side straight on!

As it has happened before I got there I am not sure who had the right of way and who was at fault. All I know is this is the one scenario that the motorcycle rider has little control over and is the one accident scenario responsible for the most biker's deaths. So I just pray the biker survived. Have to have a look out in the news to see if they made it?
Maybe someone knows more?
My thoughts and prayers are with the rider!